Freshman Orientation and Career Exploration
Counselor Role We are your academic advisor during your time at West High. We can refer you to other resources as needed. Tumbleweed Rimrock Foundation High School Support Therapist We are mandatory reporters. We are NOT disciplinarians! Assistant Principals handle discipline and attendance issues.
Graduation Requirements Things to Consider: Required Classes Next Year Value-Added Grading Rigorous Core NCAA Requirements Visual vs. Practical Arts Recovering Required Classes Graduation Requirements
Athletic Code of Conduct Eligibility grade checks occur at the end of each six- week grading period Students must be passing all classes to compete Student-participants not passing all class will be suspended from competition for one week Those students will receive weekly grade checks until passing all classes Student-participants with an F at semester will serve their suspension during next competitive week of activity Chemical Use Policy: First Offense: No participation for 25% of season Second Offense: No participation for 50% of season Third Offense: No participation in any sport for one year Students can no longer self-refer
Volunteering & Community Service Why Volunteer? Showing Responsibility Adding to Your Resume Gaining Skills Giving Time Volunteering & Community Service
Career Exploration: Why do interest inventories? To incorporate what you love into your learning To start thinking about your future To help you plan your high school schedules Keep Your Options Open
Career Cruising