Size Matters, even with F = Fmsy


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Presentation transcript:

Size Matters, even with F = Fmsy Rainer Froese Brussels, WWF Office, 6th March 2013

Maximum Cohort Biomass Fish reach maximum growth rate at about 2/3 of maximum length Mortality and growth have coevolevd such that cohort biomass peaks at that size Here, fish have spawned several times, and a given catch has the least impact on biomass Froese, R., A. Stern-Pirlot, H. Winker and D. Gascuel. 2008. Size Matters: How Single-Species Management Can Contribute To Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management. Fisheries Research 92:231-241, doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2008.01.005. PDF

Different Scenarios for Baltic Cod

Bottom Line For true recover and healthy stocks sensu MSFD, F = Fmsy is not enough Size at first capture has to be gradually increase towards Lopt ~ 2/3 max length This will minimize impact of a given catch (kill fewer fish) Minimze unnatural selection Restore size & age structure (many big fish) Improve catches for a given F