1960s U-2 Incident JFK and Election of 1960 Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Peace Corps Alliance for Progress Assassination March on Washington 1963 Freedom Rides, Freedom Summer MLK, Malcolm X, Stokley Carmichael, A. Mitchell Randolph Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965 Watts Riot of 1965 Title VII LBJ and Great Society (Food Stamps, Headstart, Medicaid, Medicare) Civil Rights Act of 1968 Vietnam and Gulf of Tonkin Rachel Carson and Silent Spring Democratic Convention of 1968 Black Panthers Election of 1968 Assassinations of Kennedy and King Race Riots Woodstock NOW Moon landing Chicano Movement and Cesar Chavez
1970s Nixon Vietnamization Arab Oil Embargo and the Yom Kippur War War Powers Act Henry Kissinger and détente Roe v Wade and the Warren Court Kent State Endangered Species Act, Clean Air Act Watergate Gerald Ford SALT I Jimmy Carter Camp David Peace Accords SALT II Iran Hostage Crisis Second Energy Crisis (Iran Revolution) Title IX Death of the ERA
1980s Ronald Reagan Moral Majority Christian Coalition Planned Parenthood v Casey Iran Contra Scandal Reaganomics George W. Bush Gulf War “Read my lips, no new taxes”