Scientific and Operational Context and Requirements for JCOMM Document 4.2 (1) Contribution of JCOMM to the Sendai Framework Alasdair Hainsworth Chief/Disaster Risk Reduction Services Division Department of Weather & Disaster Risk Reduction Services JCOMM-5, 25-29 October, Geneva
JCOMM and the Sendai Framework (JCOMM-5-doc 4 JCOMM and the Sendai Framework (JCOMM-5-doc 4.2(1)/1_Sendai Framework-draft1_en) This document includes 1 proposed decision draft Decision 4.2(1)/1 — Contribution of JCOMM to the Sendai Framework; Decides that the chairperson of the proposed Expert Team for Disaster Risk Reduction will act as the DRR Focal Point for WMO and IOC; Decision also: urges IOC Member States and WMO Members to develop or strengthen their multi-hazard early warning systems and marine services through increasing investments and sharing of information and good practices, through international cooperation mechanisms such as the International Network for Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (IN-MHEWS), and especially to address impacts on coastal areas and safety of life at sea from tropical cyclones, storms, abnormal El Nino, tsunamis and other extreme events; and Urges IOC Member States/WMO Members to engage further in international humanitarian activities through the provision of relevant data, products and expertise that support the preparedness and response to natural disasters and their impacts in marine and coastal zones.