Measuring Library Patron Satisfaction using CMT Customer Satisfaction Survey Results Oxford County Library November, 2004 Presented at OLA Super Conference, Toronto February 5, 2005
Oxford County Library 18 branches: Ingersoll and 17 rural villages Serving a total population base of about 50,000 in Oxford County outside Woodstock and Tillsonburg
Why measure customer satisfaction? Satisfied customers return. Dissatisfied customers avoid returning and drive away potential new business. Therefore, we place value customer satisfaction, want to know what level we achieve and strive to offer high quality service. Quantify service performance for funders, especially re: employment services. Promote library to community
Our Survey Based on Common Measurements Tool Supported by HRSDC and Library Strategic Development Fund, Ontario Ministry of Culture All 18 branches November 8-27 (November 22-27 coincided with library “count week”) One page questionnaire, self-administered Incentive: draw for Rand McNally Ontario Road Atlas (value $24.95), 2 consolation prizes of Rand McNally Pocket Road Atlas (value $8.95 each)
Results Total questionnaires returned 713 Total survey ballots completed 709 Total repeats 44 Unique responses (minimum) 665 Participants at all branches
How did we get so many? Staff teamwork and commitment Incentive Anonymity assured Patrons like OCL branches and staff and want to show support Concern for security of service location Simple questionnaire – 1 page, multiple choice questions Invitation to submit more detailed comments
Who responded? Draw tickets included phone number Based on telephone exchange, a minimum of 83% were “local”
Services Used Books Computers Program/event Jobs Other 74 % 21 % Gov’t info Other
Frequency of Use Monthly Weekly Multiple/ week Infrequently First Time 35 % 32% Multiple/ week Infrequently First Time
I was treated fairly 93.6 % n/a
Staff were knowledgeable and competent 91.1 % n/a
I waited a reasonable amount of time at the service location 83.7 % n/a
Staff were courteous 92.7 % n/a
Staff went the extra mile to make sure I got what I wanted 90.9 % n/a
I was informed of everything I had to do to get service 90.2 % n/a
Satisfaction with amount of time it took to get service 91.5 % n/a Satisfied Dissatisfied
Satisfaction with accessibility of service 90.1 % n/a Satisfied Dissatisfied
Satisfaction with overall quality of service delivery 91.1 % n/a Satisfied Dissatisfied
Did you get what you needed? 98.6 %
Would you use the service again? 100 %
Nice numbers…. But of what value are they?
Weighting Responses to Facilitate Comparisons Strongly agree: # responses x 1 Agree: # responses x 2 Neither agree nor disagree: # responses x 3 Disagree: # responses x 4 Strongly disagree: # responses x 5 No answer/not applicable: not included
Average Performance Scores
Average Performance Scores: All respondents and 1st time users
Average Performance Scores: All respondents and Job seekers
Average Satisfaction Scores
Average Satisfaction Scores: All Respondents and 1st time users
Average Satisfaction Scores: All Respondents and Job seekers
Advice on the use of CMT Pretest questionnaire Avoid distractions Introduction of new circ system Other survey underway Not appropriate in its present form for feedback on events
Biases Community perception about motivation behind/use of survey Personal relationship between staff and respondents
Concerns about CMT Satisfaction ratings without respondents’ comments difficult to interpret accurately Response may be indicative of nature of service performed, yet not reflect performance Repetitive multiple choice questions invite repetitive thoughtless answers Use CMT to measure system (not individual) service performance Staff perception of intended purpose of survey may impact response rate and results
Special Programs Coordinator c/o Innerkip Public Library George Stock Special Programs Coordinator Oxford County Library c/o Innerkip Public Library Innerkip, ON N0J 1M0 (519) 469-3824