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Presentation transcript:

LESSON 8: THE GIVING GROUP Words Relating to Generosity in Spending Money or Time, or Showing Concern for Others

Altruistic Showing an unselfish concern for others Brendan acted altruistically in helping the old lady across the street. I doubt his actions are truly altruistic; I think he has selfish motives. Altruism is considered a great virtue in many religions and cultures. Adjective Showing an unselfish concern for others

Benevolent Giving freely and easily to others The benevolent millionaire loved to use his money to help others. Charities are benevolent organizations that support important causes. To be truly benevolent, you must give to others without expecting anything in return. Adjective Giving freely and easily to others

Largess Generous; giving My boss demonstrated great largess by giving me a new car. Alex was the beneficiary of his generous uncle’s largess. Ben frequently talked about all of the money he gave to charity, so everyone knew about his great largess. Noun Generous; giving

Lavish Generous in giving to others or in spending money Rebecca was lavish with her hospitality; she often invited friends to stay at her house. The film critics lavished praise on the director’s new film. Ryan lavishly distributed gifts to his siblings. Adjective, Verb Generous in giving to others or in spending money

Magnanimous Generous in overlooking insult or injury by others The magnanimous politician forgave those who insulted him during the campaign. After he captured the city, the magnanimous general distributed food and medicine to the starving people. After our fight, my sister magnanimously forgave me for the mean things I said. Adjective Generous in overlooking insult or injury by others

Munificent Very generous George gave munificently to several charities. The businessman’s munificent donation saved the historic building. We truly appreciated her munificent gesture. Adjective Very generous

Philanthropic Showing a desire to help others by giving gift Many rich people, such as Bill Gates, become philanthropists later in life. Many large businesses engage in philanthropy. The museum received support from several philanthropic organizations. Adjective Showing a desire to help others by giving gift

Prodigal Wasteful; lavish One of the most famous stories from the Bible tells of the Prodigal Son, who leaves his family and wastes all of his money. It is usually difficult to break prodigal habits. The prodigal man burned through all of his money quickly, and was left with nothing. Adjective Wasteful; lavish

Squander To spend money or time in a wasteful, uncaring fashion The businessman squandered his profits on expensive cars. She squandered her inheritance on foolish things. The athlete squandered his free time partying instead of preparing for the next season. Verb To spend money or time in a wasteful, uncaring fashion