From the Renaissance to contemporary era WINTER TERM GROUP WORK From the Renaissance to contemporary era Language and communication of love: English Renaissance and contemporary advertising
WORKSHOP ONE: CREDITS Bianchin Ilaria Carbonera Francesco Iacumin Jessica Pavoni Francesco Scarpin Cosetta
WHAT AND HOW? Task and objectives: produce a video for a period of three and a half minutes about the theme of love in English renascence and in contemporary advertising, having evaluation purposes and proposing some examples (an advertisement for what concerns the language of our times). Materials (texts, resources, pictures, Internet sites, teachers site, movies). Methodology: Group work (cooperative and collaborative learning).
MATERIALS Concepts drawn from the school book; Resources and insights provided by the teacher; Teacher’s site; Movies: Romeo and Juliet, directed by Franco Zeffirelli, UK/Italy 1968; Shakespeare in Love, directed by John Madden, USA/UK 1998; Advertisement: Vodafone Unlimited spot 2013.
METHODOLOGY: GROUP WORK First stage Before we joined together, each member has independently studied the various resources available to us, in order to be aware of what would have been exposed in the video. Individual study also allowed us to get an idea on which such to bring regarding the two periods considered.
METHODOLOGY: GROUP WORK Second stage We got organized establishing the role of each member: Recording of the various films necessary for the production of the video and vision of one of the two films (Bianchin Ilaria); Recording of the various audios necessary for the production of the videoand assembly of the finished product (Francesco Carbonera) Physical realization of video and vision of one of the two films (Iacumin Jessica); Physical realization of audio (Francesco Pavoni); Writing of the various parts necessary for the production of the audio explanation and the group work presentation (Scarpin Cosetta).
METHODOLOGY: GROUP WORK Third stage After we organized, we have done individually what agreed and we found again for the recording which was followed by the assembly, made individually as established. Later, each member has made a power point presentation of the group based on the text previously produced.
WHY? Language skills: discussing, interacting, listening, speaking, writing and reading; Study skills and knowledge: structure of argumentative text, use of literary code, critical interpretation of resources, spoken and written production and interaction; Computing skills: Office programs (Work, PowerPoint), Movie Maker and Internet surfing; What to do with the language? Writing a summary of comparison regarding the language of love.
FEEDBACK What we have learnt: Select the most important information on the basis of theme dealt; Realize audio and video recordings; Produce a video-editing; Understand the cultural separation that exists between different periods due to religious and moral factors. What could be improved more: ability to summarize the arguments. Level of appreciation and usefulness of the workshop: it allowed us to compare the viewpoints and working methods of the various participants, to understand the level of our ability and try to improve it during and after the course of work.