Club Sports Fall Meeting October 1 st, 2013
Introductions: Sport Administrators Pam Mahlow: Associate Director for Campus Recreation- Sports and PE Pam Mahlow: Associate Director for Campus Recreation- Sports and PE Claire Davis: Coordinator for Club Sports and Intramural Sports Claire Davis: Coordinator for Club Sports and Intramural Sports Travis Jew: Assistant Director for Intramural Sports and Camps Travis Jew: Assistant Director for Intramural Sports and Camps Steven DiPaolo: Director for Marketing and Special Projects Steven DiPaolo: Director for Marketing and Special Projects
Introductions: Executive Committee Michelle Teo (Womens Rugby): Administrative Co-President Michelle Teo (Womens Rugby): Administrative Co-President John Butterfield (Triathlon): Financial Co-President John Butterfield (Triathlon): Financial Co-President Nicole Richardson (Womens Rugby): Committee Member Nicole Richardson (Womens Rugby): Committee Member Greg Heon (Mens Ultimate): Committee Member Greg Heon (Mens Ultimate): Committee Member
Introductions: Eric Stein Senior Associate Athletic Director for Physical Education, Recreation and Wellness Senior Associate Athletic Director for Physical Education, Recreation and Wellness
Club Sports Re-Org Club Sports no longer has a director position Club Sports no longer has a director position Pams role in the department has changed some but she will still be directly involved and have ultimate oversight over Club Sports, as well as the Intramural Sports and Physical Education programs Pams role in the department has changed some but she will still be directly involved and have ultimate oversight over Club Sports, as well as the Intramural Sports and Physical Education programs Teams have been assigned Sport Administrators to communicate with (Varsity model) Teams have been assigned Sport Administrators to communicate with (Varsity model) Hope is teams will get more individualized attention and assistance Hope is teams will get more individualized attention and assistance
Club Sport Re-Org continued There will be Sport Administrator-specific responsibilities as well as centralized responsibilities There will be Sport Administrator-specific responsibilities as well as centralized responsibilities Use the cheat sheet as a guide for who to contact when Use the cheat sheet as a guide for who to contact when Contact Claire when in doubt Contact Claire when in doubt Questions? Questions?
Team Requirements: IMLeagues Anyone who wishes to participate with your team MUST do the following BEFORE participating: Anyone who wishes to participate with your team MUST do the following BEFORE participating: –Register on and join your team –Sign the online waiver –Complete the Acknowledgement of Health form (must be approved by staff in IMLeagues) It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that EVERY person participating with the team has completed all of these requirements It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that EVERY person participating with the team has completed all of these requirements
Team Requirements: IMLeagues Please print rosters before each practice, or have a smart phone/tablet available to check athletes status Please print rosters before each practice, or have a smart phone/tablet available to check athletes status –Name: should be regular text, no line through it (line=something missing) –Waiver: should list date and time signed –Acknowledgement of Health: should be green andverified (red = not started or temporarily denied) Check IMLeagues regularly as athletes begin to register and follow up with those who missing requirements Check IMLeagues regularly as athletes begin to register and follow up with those who missing requirements
Team Requirements: Coaches Coaching Agreements: for ALL coaches, old and new Coaching Agreements: for ALL coaches, old and new –Must be filled out completely and be signed by both coach and one officer –Due Tuesday, October 15 th Livescan Background Checks: for NEW coaches only (or those missing livescans from last year) Livescan Background Checks: for NEW coaches only (or those missing livescans from last year) –See for details –Due Tuesday, October 15 th Coach Resources: Facility passes and parking permit sponsorship forms (coaches must pay for parking) Coach Resources: Facility passes and parking permit sponsorship forms (coaches must pay for parking)
Team Requirements: Competitive Schedules Use the Competitive Schedule form, which can be found on the Club Sports website under Team Documents Use the Competitive Schedule form, which can be found on the Club Sports website under Team Documents Due to your Sport Administrator by Tuesday, October 15th for Fall Quarter Due to your Sport Administrator by Tuesday, October 15th for Fall Quarter Communicate any changes or cancellations to your Sport Administrator as the quarter goes on Communicate any changes or cancellations to your Sport Administrator as the quarter goes on
Team Requirements: Driver Forms Anyone (coach or athlete) who will be driving others to team practices or competitions need to fill these out Anyone (coach or athlete) who will be driving others to team practices or competitions need to fill these out 2 forms: Driver Authorization (2 pages) and Driving Guidelines form 2 forms: Driver Authorization (2 pages) and Driving Guidelines form Due Tuesday, October 15th or before traveling Due Tuesday, October 15th or before traveling Can be scanned (no pictures) and sent via , faxed, or dropped off in person (to Sport Admin) Can be scanned (no pictures) and sent via , faxed, or dropped off in person (to Sport Admin) Will out a Google doc with approved driver list from Winter/Spring 2013 Will out a Google doc with approved driver list from Winter/Spring 2013
Team Requirements: Travel Forms Required for all travel outside of Santa Clara county & San Mateo county (East Bay, SF and Santa Cruz okay) Required for all travel outside of Santa Clara county & San Mateo county (East Bay, SF and Santa Cruz okay) On Mondays, Sport Admins will teams that have upcoming events on the calendar and request travel forms On Mondays, Sport Admins will teams that have upcoming events on the calendar and request travel forms Due 24 hours in advance of departure Due 24 hours in advance of departure Sport Admins will be cross-checking with IMLeagues rosters and approved driver list Sport Admins will be cross-checking with IMLeagues rosters and approved driver list Insurance verification is available when driving university or rental vehicles Insurance verification is available when driving university or rental vehicles Sport admins can also provide statements verifying travel to professors when athletes have to miss class Sport admins can also provide statements verifying travel to professors when athletes have to miss class
Team Requirements: Accident Forms Required for injuries sustained during practice, competition, or team events Required for injuries sustained during practice, competition, or team events Submit to Sport Administrator within 24 hours of incident Submit to Sport Administrator within 24 hours of incident We will provide a copy to our Athletic Trainer, Sonja, and she can follow up to provide support and campus resource information We will provide a copy to our Athletic Trainer, Sonja, and she can follow up to provide support and campus resource information For injuries resulting in loss of consciousness or immediate medical attention, call Sport Administrator immediately For injuries resulting in loss of consciousness or immediate medical attention, call Sport Administrator immediately
Team Requirements: Weekly Results On Mondays, Claire will teams who competed the previous weekend requesting results On Mondays, Claire will teams who competed the previous weekend requesting results Due by 12 noon Due by 12 noon Please provide a detailed response with placements, highlights, etc. Please provide a detailed response with placements, highlights, etc. This information gets passed along to Senior Staff within Athletics and is saved to maintain Club Sports records This information gets passed along to Senior Staff within Athletics and is saved to maintain Club Sports records
Team Requirements: Facility Schedules Fall quarter changes request due by Tuesday, October 15 th to Travis Fall quarter changes request due by Tuesday, October 15 th to Travis Winter quarter facility request will be due in November Winter quarter facility request will be due in November
Team Resources contact information, all forms, event schedule, etc. contact information, all forms, event schedule, etc. –Club Sports Manual –this powerpoint Mailboxes in Burnham Mailboxes in Burnham –If you walk in from Ford, in the office located between the bleachers on the right –Attention: Team Name, 615 Serra Street Stanford, California Club Sports credit cards Club Sports credit cards Athletic Training Athletic Training
October 15 th Deadline Athletes registered in IMLeagues with all requirements met Athletes registered in IMLeagues with all requirements met Coaching Agreements and Background Checks (Sport Admin) Coaching Agreements and Background Checks (Sport Admin) Competitive Schedule (Sport Admin) Competitive Schedule (Sport Admin) Driver Forms (Sport Admin) Driver Forms (Sport Admin) Fall facility schedules changes (Travis) Fall facility schedules changes (Travis)
Finances: Budget Proposals Due Friday October 18 th to John at Due Friday October 18 th to John at Contact Pam if you need last years budget as a resource Contact Pam if you need last years budget as a resource John will be holding office hours the week of October in Old Union (exact times to be ed out later) John will be holding office hours the week of October in Old Union (exact times to be ed out later)
Finances: Financial Aid Available through university grants and the ASSU Executive to help Stanford club sports athletes (full-time students) Available through university grants and the ASSU Executive to help Stanford club sports athletes (full-time students) Applications will be due Friday, October 25 th Applications will be due Friday, October 25 th Maximum assistance per athlete is $100/quarter or $300/year Maximum assistance per athlete is $100/quarter or $300/year Priority to athletes on Tier I-III teams Priority to athletes on Tier I-III teams
Finances: TSF Presentation Nora Martin: Partnership Program Coordinator for The Stanford Fund Nora Martin: Partnership Program Coordinator for The Stanford Fund
Finances: ASSU Banking Workshops Schedule available online Schedule available online All new FOs must to attend a workshop to access account All new FOs must to attend a workshop to access account
Elections Amy King (Triathlon) Amy King (Triathlon) Alexander Paraschuk (Judo) Alexander Paraschuk (Judo) Irving Rodriguez (Mens Soccer) Irving Rodriguez (Mens Soccer)