Advisory Lesson – May 16th Respect for Feelings Advisory Lesson – May 16th
agenda Bell-Ringer Activity Scenario on Respect in Class Discussion Questions in Groups or as a Class (5 minutes) Worksheet in Groups/Together as Class Exit Slip
Bell-Ringer: 3-4 minutes Write down on your student hand out: Have you ever had your feeling hurt by someone? How did that make you feel? Have you ever hurt someone's feelings? How did you feel after hurting that person’s feelings?
Katie—respect for feelings Katie is very good at chess and knows it. But she also makes all the other kids in the chess club feel bad by making comments about the way they play. When the kids vote for Jenny instead of her to represent their school in a chess tournament, Katie is upset. After all, as she tells the teacher, “I am the best player”. Her teacher explains that even though she thinks she’s helping the other players, she’s not showing respect for their feelings. Ask yourself, the teacher tells her, “Is this how I want someone to talk to me?” Before offering an opinion, ask the players if they want your help, she adds, and be more respectful, polite and considerate, not angry and mean.
Discussion questions: in groups or together as a class 5-7 minutes -Why is respect for feelings important? In what ways did Katie show a lack of respect for the other chess club members’’ feelings? -Discuss why, despite being the best player, Katie would not have been the best representative of her school at the chess tournament? -How could Katie help the other kids become better at chess and at the same time show respect for their feelings.
Showing respect-10 minutes On the hand out provided—answer in what ways can kids show respect for adults’ feelings? What ways can adults show respects for kids’ feelings? Work with a partner and list your ideas below Be prepared to share with the class
Respectful or disrespectful? I understand your point, but I have to disagree. You’re wrong. That’s a stupid idea. What are you thinking? I have a different opinion Have you considered wearing a different shirt? That shirt makes you look ugly. I don’t think my grade is correct. Can you help me understand how it was scored? I would appreciate your help on this project. You gave me a bad grade because you play favorites and you hate me! That’s unfair!
Youtube videos on respect-extra if needed Clip 1 Clip 2 Clip 3