Your child would like you to sit at their desk Your child would like you to sit at their desk! Please write a little note to them on the post it.
Pack up procedures Snacks Volunteers Newsletters Homework Behavior Calendar/ Chart
Operations and Algebraic Thinking – develop understanding of addition, subtraction, and strategies for adding and subtracting within 20. Number and Operations in Base Ten – counting and writing understanding place value to 120 Measurement and Data – measuring lengths, telling time, graphing Geometry – shapes and their attributes Mathematical Practices – reasoning, modeling and arguing perspective, using math tools. Investigations - philosophy hands on, games, activities, and workbook follow up Math Boxes – 2nd grade objectives on the back
Research supports the number one way to improve reading is to read! Students receive explicit whole group instruction and are given independent practice time to read and write independently while I provide focused instruction to small groups and individuals for specific goals each child needs. Research supports the number one way to improve reading is to read!
PSF ( Phoneme Segmentation Fluency) Goal 40 =_______ DIBELS PSF ( Phoneme Segmentation Fluency) Goal 40 =_______ CLS (Correct Letter Sounds – Nonsense Words) Goal 27 = ______ WWR (Whole Words read) Goal 1 = _______ Word Recognition Test CVC words with single-letter spellings (fax, fat) ______/6 Consonant Clusters (“dr” in drip) ______/7 Consonant Digraphs (“th” in thin) ______/7 ______/20 Students who scored 17 or higher have strong word recognition skills and are making good progress. No interventions will be used at this time. If your student is scoring 14 – 16, your he/she is developing and will work in small groups to strength his/her skills. Student scoring 13 or lower will be receiving one on one review, small groups, and/or K-3 Reading Reinforcement. Weekly Assessments will be stapled onto of your child’s weekly packet.
Inquiry Process – making and testing predictions Life Science – life cycles and habitats (polar, desert, ocean) Physical Science – How things move Earth and Space Science – rocks, celestial objects, seasons, weather American History – life events, farming, settlement of land, interactions of Native Americans with Spanish and Pilgrims, life in Colonial times, Rosa Parks, MLK Jr. and Cesar Chavez World History – farming, settlement Civics/Government – National symbols, National holidays, State symbols, rights and responsibilities of citizens Geography – maps, globes, human and physical features, changes in land over time, elements of culture Economics – needs and wants, goods and services, saving money