Status of LHETRACK Tracking with STT+MVD Stefano Spataro LHETRACK Ferrara Summary Bug fixes and updates Performances of STT+MVD tracking Considerations about the Track Finding
LHETRACK Ferrara Summary Tracking of STT+MVD works! @ 1 GeV/c - [20°, 140°] @ 1 GeV/c - [20°, 140°] No improvements from Kalman (genfit)
Bug fixing Several exceptions now are properly handled Division by zero Square root of negative volumes Not initialized hits SttHelixHit the code is much more stable tested on thousand events Fixes in Kalman Wrong initial momentum error Wrong covariance matrix for MVD (huge) Rejection of bad tracks improvements in genfit results thanks to Lia and Susanna
STT – Momentum Resolution - [20°, 140°] GENFIT improves the resolution
STT – Momentum Residual - [20°, 140°] Energy loss correction at low momenta
STT – Tracking Efficiency - [20°, 140°] Efficiency loss
STT/TPC – Tracking Efficiency - [20°, 140°] the algorithm has lower efficiency only for STT
conformal space STT TPC - p = 1 GeV = 60° = 60°
something wrong with STT Helix Hit conformal space STT TPC - p = 0.2 GeV = 60° = 60° something wrong with STT Helix Hit
Summary Open Issues LHETRACK code more stable (several fixes) GENFIT Kalman is working properly Open Issues Reco Hits: are they correctly implemented? (cov matrix) STT Low efficiency: check STT Helix Hit