PHYSICAL EDUCATION and SPORT in Framwellgate Moor Primary School
PHYSICAL EDUCATION In our school we get at least 2 hours of PE per week. Every Thursday afternoon is PE across the whole school and we do lots of different sporting activities. Our school pays for special coaches to come in for some of the lessons which is great! We also get to use a local gymnasium which has a sprung floor for gymnastics. Years 3 and 4 (aged 8-10) also have free swimming lessons every Monday in the local pool.
SCHOOL PE KIT Our school has a blue PE kit which the school bought for everyone recently. We wear it if we are in a competition and for PE lessons every week. We all wear the same so it stops people arguing over who has expensive brands of t-shirts and shorts.
FOOTBALL Football is very popular with boys and girls in our school and in the whole of England. Our local teams are Newcastle United, Sunderland AFC and Middlesbrough AFC. Our school has a football team. Some children in our school play for a local Durham team too.
RUGBY We enjoy Rugby. It is played by boys and girls but it gets a bit rough. Our nearest rugby team is Newcastle Falcons.
NETBALL Netball is more popular with girls. It is a bit like basketball but you cannot move with the ball.
SWIMMING The government wants every child to learn how to swim. At age 7 we start going swimming every week with the school. We have to get a bus to the local pool in Durham. We have a swimming coach.
CRICKET/ROUNDERS Both boys and girls play cricket. We also play a similar game called ROUNDERS which is similar to baseball. Our local cricket team in Durham are a very good team.
BASKETBALL Boys and girls both play basketball. We have a school basketball team.
GYMNASTICS We go to Deerness Sports Centre for our gymnastics. The centre has a sprung floor to help us bounce and flip. Boys and girls both enjoy gymnastics.
DANCE We have a dance coach who comes into school. She teaches us different types of dance like Bollywood and Street Dance. We get fit whilst we dance to music. Boys and girls both love dance.
ATHLETICS When the weather improves in the summer, both boys and girls do athletics. We have a school sports day every year with running, relay, jumping and throwing and it is great fun!
FAVOURITE SPORT??? We asked every child in the school what their favourite sport to participate in was. As you can see our survey of favourite sports showed that FOOTBALL was the most popular sport with BOYS. SWIMMING was the most popular sport with GIRLS.
WATCHING SPORT Finally we asked children what sport they enjoyed watching. The most popular sport when we asked the whole school was FOOTBALL. Football is on English television almost every day of the year. BOYS & GIRLS