Macbeth Revision of Act 5 Date: Objectives Revise Act 4 before moving on to Act 5 Make sure everyone is following the story. Mark quotes (needed for 60% of any answer you give in PQE) All of this should be on a sheet which can be used for revision purposes later so don’t write on the sheet. Warm-up: Raise your hand and share a thought about Act 5 of Macbeth. What do you think about it?
Short questions – one to two line answers Short questions – one to two line answers. (For summary and recall of key moments). Answer as a group. Raise hands, share answers with class, discuss and write down an answer. What has Lady Macbeth been doing in her sleep? (S1) Who or what does the doctor recommend may be able to help Lady Macbeth and why? (S1) How do the thanes feel about Macbeth and how do they feel about Malcolm? (S2) What reports does Macbeth get in scene 3 and how does he react to the news? (S3) Where do the invading soldiers meet? What plan do they come up with to surprise Macbeth? (S4) Which of the witches’ prophecies come true in this scene? (S5) What are Macbeth’s plans to survive the invading armies?(S5) What happened to Lady Macbeth? (S5) Who defeats Macbeth and how does this relate to the witches prophecies? (S8) Why does old Seyward not mourn his son? (S9)
Mid-sized questions – point, quote, explanation (For clarification and techniques and themes). Raise hands to share and discuss quotes; where they are and what you think they mean. Guilt. Explain what Lady Macbeth does when she is sleepwalking. Mention the symbol of blood in your answer? (S1) Loyalty. Re-read Act 5, scene 2. What are the thanes’ opinions of Macbeth? Macbeth. Examine the opening of scene 3. Describe Macbeth’s attitude or mood. (S3) Soliloquy. Macbeth’s reaction to his wife’s death is a soliloquy (Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow). Examine what he says in this speech and describe his attitude or mood. (S5)
Long question – three P. Q. E Long question – three P.Q.E. (For analysis of most important parts in the act). Individual exercise. Finish for homework. Do the witches lie to Macbeth? Explain your answer. (Is a half-truth a lie in your opinion?) Do you believe Lady Macbeth and Macbeth feel guilty by the end of the play? Explain your answer.