Dr Amina Rashad and Dr Nahed Kandeel Qualitative Research and Its Practical Applications Dr Amina Rashad and Dr Nahed Kandeel
Sampling in Qualitative Research
Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications Sampling Sampling; It is involves selecting a group of people, events, behavior or any other elements. Sampling plan: the process of making the selection. Sample: selected group of people or elements…….. Sampling decision: have the major impact on the research result 01/01/2019 Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications
Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications Sample Sampling becomes purposive, not random. To be valid, study must observe truly representative sample. Multiple realities of population should be represented 01/01/2019 Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications
Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications Sampling Procedures Quantitative Research Examine the distribution of previously known phenomena and testing relationships between variables------It is appropriate to use random sampling technique Qualitative Research Seeks to understand phenomena…..The information may not be distributed among population………it is not appropriate to use random sampling technique 01/01/2019 Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications
Sample in Qualitative Research Select the sample according to the purpose of the study rather than the relationship of the subject to the over all population. Data are collected until no new information is obtained. 01/01/2019 Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications
How many interview subjects do I need? Interview as many subjects as necessary to find out what you need to know. (Kvale,1996). It depends on a study Purpose. **To understand the world as experienced by one specific person……one subject is sufficient 01/01/2019 Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications
Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications Types of Samples 1- Opportunistic sample: the informants are selected according to the quality of their relationships with the researcher and their abilities to provide clear explination for the researcher. 2- Convenience sample: may be limited by time, constrains or other factors 01/01/2019 Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications
Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications Judgmental Sample Informants has been chosen because of their specialized knowledge of some particular topic. Purposive sample =theoretical sample: Informant will facilitate the development of emerging theory are selected…….having specific characteristics. 01/01/2019 Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications
Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications Snowball or Nominated In which sample frame follows social networks……..this technique is particularly useful when the researcher is regarded with suspicion and mistrust in the setting. 01/01/2019 Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications
Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications Cont. **Attitudes of boys and girls toward competition for grades…..the sample may be as small as three boys and three girls. A common critique of the qualitative study is that the findings are not generalizable because there are too few subjects 01/01/2019 Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications
Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications Learned Lessons Obtaining detailed significant Knowledge from a few subjects which can be later generalizable to lager group. Quantitatively, each single case contained immense number of observations. Qualitatively, the focus in single case made it possible to investigate in detail the relationship of a specific behavior to its context, to workout the logic of the relationship between the individual and the situation 01/01/2019 Dr. Amina Rashad, Qualitative Research and its Practical Applications