Constipation and Soiling in Children Karen Nelson / Sara-Jane Barlow HNHSFT Continence Advisory Service
Constipation and Soiling in Children 20 minutes Presentation of symptoms Initial appointment Follow up / treatment options? Referral on?
Constipation and Soiling in Children Constipation and soiling “Soiled pants can be a sign of constipation, as runny poo (diarrhoea) may leak out around the hard, constipated poo. This is called overflow soiling”.
Constipation and Soiling in Children Initial appointment - What is worth knowing at this appointment? Stool chart? Type / frequency of stools Medication Laxatives taken? What has been tried before? Actively question the patient
Constipation and Soiling in Children What should you do at this appointment? Red flags? Fluids – types and amount Diet Toileting routine? Positioning? Stool chart to complete for review
Constipation and Soiling in Children What should you do at this appointment? (GP) All of above – plus: - Abdominal examination – rule out constipation Neurological examination
Constipation and Soiling in Children If you are prescribing medications – what do you want to achieve? Softeners / osmotic laxatives? Stimulant laxatives? Bulking agents? Practical advice: - Toilet plan / location; own cushion; spare clothing; wipes / pad; nappy sacks; perfume.
Constipation and Soiling in Children Referral? Paediatrician? Continence Service? Management – dry like me
Constipation and Soiling in Children Comments / Questions