Improving Outcomes for People With Progressive Cancer: Interrupted Time Series Trial of a Needs Assessment Intervention  Amy Waller, PhD, Afaf Girgis,


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Presentation transcript:

Improving Outcomes for People With Progressive Cancer: Interrupted Time Series Trial of a Needs Assessment Intervention  Amy Waller, PhD, Afaf Girgis, PhD, Claire Johnson, PhD, Christophe Lecathelinais, DESS de Mathématiques Appliquées, David Sibbritt, PhD, Dion Forstner, MBBS, Winston Liauw, MBBS, MMedSci, FRACP, David C. Currow, BMed MPH FRACP  Journal of Pain and Symptom Management  Volume 43, Issue 3, Pages 569-581 (March 2012) DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2011.04.020 Copyright © 2012 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Summary flowchart of patient recruitment and data collection in a study to assess the impact of a needs assessment intervention on patient outcomes. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2012 43, 569-581DOI: (10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2011.04.020) Copyright © 2012 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee Terms and Conditions