Reconfigurable Computing University of Arkansas Dr. Christophe Bobda CSCE Department University of Arkansas
Chapter 05 Applications (cont)
4. Mechanical Control – Basics Controller task is to influence the dynamic behavior of a plant Inputs values for the plant depends on plant's outputs (Feedbacks) A Plant is modeled as linear time invariant (LTI)-System Controller is modeled as LTI-System Time discretization Scaling to fix-point k, k+1, k+2 …sample points T… sample period tc… calculation time of controller Plant DAC ADC Controller reference value T k k+1 k+2 t tc
4. Basics U: Controller input, x: State, y: Output A, B, C, D: Constant coefficient matrices combine A,B,C,D to M, represent computation as set of scalar products of each row of M with v combine A,B,C,D to M, represent computation as set of scalar products of each row of M with v
4. DA-Implementation Scalar product: const. vec. a and var. vec. x xi as w-bit fix-point (here x just unsigned in [0,2[ ) 20 2-1 2-2 2-3 … 2-(w-1) replace (2) in (1), swap the sums since xij is in {0,1} right sum can have just 2n values pre-compute it and store it in a 2n x w ROM as LUT
4. Multi controller system Many controller modules optimized for different operating regimes Controllers have different structures not only different coefficients Supervisor observes plant and determines best controller module Multiplexer switches controller outputs
4. Multi controller system – Use of reconfiguration One slot solution
4. Multi controller system – Use of reconfiguration One slot implementation Two-slot implementation
4. Multi controller system – Use of reconfiguration Reconfigurable Module Slot (Controller Module) Fix Module Slot (Supervisor) Bus Macros
5. Adaptive Cryptosystems Sensitive data exchange is always coupled with the security issue Cryptography provides a means to allow a secure data exchange large variety of standards and protocols Triple-DES, Advanced Encryption Standard(AES), Data Encryption Standard (DES), RSA, OpenPGP, CipherSaber, IPsec, Blowfish, and RC6 Large variety of algorithm within standard Key length Operation basis Multiplication algorithms
5. Adaptive Cryptosystems Benefit of reconfiguration Flexibility: possibility to used to switch from one algorithm to the next one at run-time according to The degree of security, The computational speed the power consumption Performance Ecplout the inherent parallelism within applications Efficient computation of Boolean functions Large throughput and a cost efficiency Adaptivity: Remove brocken algorithms Insert new standards
5. Adaptive Cryptosystems System architecture
6. Software Defined Radio Term coined by Mitola in 1992 A radio communication system that use software to modulate and demodulate radio signals Military: Project SPEAKeasy involving the DARPA, AIR FORCE/AFRL, ARMY/CECOM, NAVY/NRaD/SPAWAR, NSA Goal: move the analog-digital signal conversion as closer as possible to antenna process the digital signal in software rather than using a set of dedicated hardware components Advantages Flexibility: efficient shift of technology and resources Adaptability: faster migration towards new standards and technologies through programmability and reconfiguration Sustainability: increase resource utilization through generic hardware platforms Reduced Ownership Costs: reduce infrastructure, lower maintenance cost, easier deployment
6. Software Defined Radio Architecture Reconfigurable devices provide the best prerequisites for realizing SDR-Systems