Statewide InD Coordinators/ December 2017 TIES Center
Increasing Time, Instructional Effectiveness, Engagement, and State Support for Inclusive Practices for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Content Context Quality of Instruction Communication Systemic Change Deficits in the academic content knowledge base of special education teachers continue to exist. General education and special education teachers of SwSCD generally lack knowledge of inclusive best practices (e.g., peer supports, embedded instruction, co-teaching models). Teaching academic content does not preclude instruction on functional or social needs for SwSCD. Several items influence SwSCD time in inclusive environments: Teacher Planning schedules Managed Student behavior Supports at the school and classroom levels SEA/LEA/school practices IEP team decisions Inclusion is actualized in schools/communities/ states which value it as evidenced by opportunities to learn for SwSCD. General education teachers have deficits in understanding and use of ESE evidence based instructional practices (e.g., systematic instruction) with SwSCD. The use of inclusive practices necessary to facilitate inclusive environments (e.g., Universal Design for Learning) directly impact the amount of time and engagement or opportunities to learn for SwSCD. General education and special education teachers need models of inclusive best practices (e.g., peer supports, embedded instruction). Communication intervention is essential for students who currently do not use oral speech and do not have regularized communication systems to access the general curriculum in school. Students with significant disabilities must have a way to communicate with others for increased positive outcomes in inclusive environments. Sustainable systemic change requires common shared goals that are addressed by an investment resources over an extended period of time. There must be the capacity for systematic change (people, funding) within agencies to support inclusion. The interpretation of LRE influences inclusive policy and practices. Policy drives implementation (time, engagement, quality of instruction) at state, district, school, teacher level. Inclusion Webinars