PMP sub-group on CPC calibration Status report and summary for kick of sub group Andreas Nowak (PTB), Alexander Terres (BMW)
CPC calibration round robin status report Main results presented at last PMP meeting Draft of final report is finished Circulated among participants for comments on 22nd of October Deadline for comments: 22nd of November After this: revision of report + second round of comments Final version: End of December 2017-11-07 | PMP sub-group on CPC calibration
Kick-off telephone conference Summary Kick-Off TelCo with core-group (participants of the 1st Round Robin) Date: 27.10.2017 Focus of the sub-group is Engine Exhaust CPC calibration only Renew of Calibration Procedure Reducing the calibration uncertainty A detailed scope paper will be presented later An expert meeting to renew the calibration procedure will be held Who wants to participate? => join the sub-group Beginning of December @ PTB, Braunschweig PTB will create a doodle for the date/place? A roadmap for the sub-group will be made at the meeting The procedure will be validated in a 2nd round robin, starting early 2018 2017-11-07 | PMP sub-group on CPC calibration