Turkish economy and banking sector 36th Meeting of the EU-Turkey JCC Dr. Ekrem Keskin 36th Meeting of the EU-Turkey JCC Brussels, 18 and 19 July 2017
Main features of the economy Functioning market economy Free capital flows Free floating exchange rate regime Member of G-20; ranked the 13th in terms of Gdp on PPP Population; 78 million, ranked the 2nd after Germany in the EU Services with 60 percent and industry with 30 percent Ba1 with “stable outlook” by Moodys’; BB with “stable outlook by S&P; BBB with “negative outlook” by FITCH ESC, July 2017
Ranked 13th largest in the world Source: Undersecretary of Trasury ESC, July 2017
6th largest in Europe Source: Undersecretary of Trasury ESC, July 2017
Youngest population breakdown Source: Undersecretary of Trasury ESC, July 2017
Stable and high growth performance ESC, July 2017
Faster growth compared to EU ESC, July 2017
Income tripled ESC, July 2017
Strong fiscal stability ESC, July 2017
Still fight for price stability ESC, July 2017
High c/a deficit and capital inflows ESC, July 2017
Almost half of foreign trade with EU ESC, July 2017
Unemployment rate hovers at 11 percent ESC, July 2017
Strong financial stability Resilience during global crisis; no single support from the Government Healthy, well regulated and efficently supervised Fully compliant with Basel III Supervisory and regulatory requirements are equivalent to the European Union's regime, announced by EU Commission Well-diversified lending portfolio High-capital adequacy level Better risk management Innovative in products and services ESC, July 2017
Rapid growth in banking sector ESC, July 2017
Increased finance to private sector ESC, July 2017
Well diversified loan portfolio and high loan quality ESC, July 2017
High capital to support growth ESC, July 2017
Non-residents’ interest ESC, July 2017
Big gap; narrowing? ESC, July 2017
ESC, July 2017
Growth and macro balance Source: Government’s programme ESC, July 2017
Reliable partner Turkey is a reliable and strong partner in international economic cooperation. Turkey carries very positive features in many aspects with her economic structure, economic policies, markets, approach to global norms and standards, infrastructure, rules and institutions regulating the social and economic life in general. ESC, July 2017
Thank you. Ekrem Keskin ekrem.keskin@tbb.org.tr www.tbb.org.tr ESC, July 2017