Abraham Elmahrek Software Engineer at Cloudera Sqoop 2 in Hue Abraham Elmahrek Software Engineer at Cloudera
Why: a Sqoop 2 UI Shortcuts and UI tricks Some users prefer a UI (it's 2013 after all...) Integration and connectivity with other components RDBMS systems HDFS etc.
How: A Sqoop 2 UI Sqoop 2 is Sqoop as a Service RESTful Web Service Security - Auth/ACLs Connectors, Connections, Jobs, Submissions and their Forms Connectors and Framework components have forms that can be used to fill in connections and jobs
Elements of The UI Dashboard of some kind to watch running submissions Job Manager Job Editor
A Dashboard
A Job Manager
A Job Editor
Prototyping and Realizations Dashboard should really be Submission History A job cannot be submitted if it is running Connections should be manageable UI can be extremely simple
Job Manager Prototype
Job Editor Prototype
Connection Editor Prototype
Status Client - Fair Job Manager - In Progress Job Editor - In Progress Autocomplete Wizard Field assistance in general Connection Editor - Fair Submission History - Planning
Questions? Feedback? Useful Links: http://gethue.com http://issues.cloudera.org/browse/HUE-1214 Mailing List hue-user@cloudera.org