Thomas Digestive System Pig Dissection Day 2 Thomas Digestive System
Incisions to open the abdominal cavity. Incision 1 makes a shallow midventral incision from the base of the throat to the umbilical cord. Incision 2 cuts around the umbilical cord to the medial surface of each leg. Incision 3 cuts through the body wall laterally just posterior to the diaphragm. Incision 4 cuts laterally at the posterior margin of the abdominal cavity.
toward a large brown organ, the liver. Use these instructions to help you if you are having problems with the lab sheet Expose the digestive organs in the abdominal region by opening the posterior portion of the abdominal cavity. Begin the dissection by using the scalpel to make a shallow midventral incision from the base of the throat to the umbilical cord (incision 1). Cut lateral incisions (incision 2) around each side of the umbilical cord and continue the two incisions, one to the medial surface of each leg Now use the scissors to cut deep into one of the lateral incisions beside the cord until you penetrate into the abdominal cavity, piercing the parietal peritoneum. Use the scissors to cut through the body wall along the two lateral incisions to the legs and around the umbilical cord. Pull lightly on the umbilical cord. If your dissection is correct, you will see that the umbilical cord and ventral wedge of body wall could be reflected, or pulled back, toward the tail, except for a blood vessel, the umbilical vein. This vein passes from the umbilical cord anteriorly toward a large brown organ, the liver. Cut through this vein, leaving a stub at each end. Tie a small piece of string around each stub so you can find them later. This should free the flap of body wall, which may now be reflected toward the tail, exposing the abdominal organs.
Liver Stomach Pancreas spleen Small intestine Large intestine
Digestive system 1 Answers
Digestive system 2 Answers
Answers Digestive, glands and Respiratory 11. Anus Stomach Small intestine Duodenum Large intestine (colon) Caecum Rectum Glands Submaxillary gland Parotid Sublingual gland 38. Thymus Glands continue Thymus Liver Gallbladder Pancreas Spleen Adrenal gland Respiratory Epiglottis (mouth number) Nasopharynx (mouth number) Glottis (mouth number) 120. Lung Diaphragm Larynx Trachea