Writing for online/mobile MCOM 341 Digital Publishing
Different reading style vs. print Unlike print readers, online and mobile readers: Scan pages Pick out key words and phrases Read in quick, short bursts Are action oriented Click and forage in search of bits of information that lead towards a goal
What not to do Don’t: Welcome people to your website and explain what a website is Put your mission statement on your home page Organize your website and write content to reflect your organization Put every piece of printed content you have on your website Use “marketese” or promotional writing on the web
Writing style Inverted pyramid still works well. Catch your readers’ attention in the first few words Start with the conclusion, follow with the details Remember: who, what, where, when, why and how Only one idea per paragraph Use half the word count of traditional writing
Writing style Other tips: Write to be found in a search Be clear, concise and direct Use longer, more descriptive links Keep introductory text on a page to no more than two sentences, focused on What? Why?
Formatting How a page looks also matters. Use headlines and headings Highlight keywords in your text Use numbered or bulleted lists
Size matters Limit word count by using the following general rules: Headings: 8-10 words or less Sentences: 15-20 words Paragraphs: 40-70 words Pages: 500 words or less