¿Qué comes? Food Guide Reading Interpersonal and Interpretive Practice with Food Vocabulary
Food Plate Reading BEFORE I: Complete the first section of the Before Reading on your own Share out (one person at a time, one category at a time) to practice pronunciation BEFORE II: Complete the mini-dictionary with your food plate small group We will review the dictionary definitions as a whole-group. Why did we create this dictionary?
Food Plate Reading You will be assigned a reading for one of the five food groups. Procedure for reading: Silently reading to yourself Discuss what you read in groups Figure the meaning together Plan to present (every person in your group must talk) Cover all information about your topic
Food Plate Reading Groups 1 2 3 4 5
¿Qué comes? Create three meals for one day Use the template Include at least 1 food item from each of the 5 food group sections for each of the 3 meal times of the day. (min 15 total; 5 per plate) Draw and label (in SPANISH) each food item. Everything should be colored, neat and easy to read.
Listening Practice Listen to video with audio only (no picture). The video describes items that one would eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a diner. As you listen to the video in Spanish, use to worksheet to circle words in English that you hear. We will play the video two times with audio only. The third time we play the video it will be with the video portion so that you can check your listening comprehension/answers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvKIrnRcYGw &list=UUC7u1X5Q32WKHErvB2QP-Ww Want a Challenge?: Write down cognates/words not on vocab list as you hear them
Interpersonal Practice Take out your Desayuno, Almuerzo, Cena platos that you completed for HW. Partner Up for Round 1 ASK: ¿Qué comes en el desayuno? ANSWER: Yo como el pan, los huevos, la manzana, el tomate, y la leche. (Based on what you have on your plate) Repeat with lunch and dinner. Switch roles
Interpretive Practice New partner Repeat Round 1 with a listening exercise Partner A: ¿Qué comes en el almuerzo? Partner B: Yo como el jamón, el queso, el pan, la manzana, el pimiento. Partner A – WRITE IN ENGLISH WHAT PARTNER B IS SAYING IN SPANISH on scrap paper
Graded Assignment Repeat Round 2 with a random partner in front of the teacher Only ask about 1 meal. Say what the items are in ENGLISH as your partner says them in SPANISH. Turn in your platos and your listening paper to be graded.