Issues for HIPAA Compliance Gary G. Christoph, Ph.D. President and CEO Helios Cynax, Inc.
Issues for HIPAA Compliance Agenda Progress in HIPAA Compliance is Disappointing HHS Posture EHR Initiatives Whither Security and Privacy of PHI?
Progress in HIPAA Compliance Is Disappointing CMS has waived itself for some time on transactions Public apathy and preoccupation with other events drive reluctance to move forward Dearth of incentives impacts corporate resolve negatively
HHS Posture HIPAA enforcement lacks teeth DOJ June 1 response to HHS query HIPAA Staffing at HHS is thin New executive branch focus --standardizing EHRs is front burner CMS is preoccupied with MMA activities
EHR Initiatives Long overdue approach to standardizing medical records Very difficult technical problems Very difficult political problems To avoid faltering, HHS must craft realistic expectations
Whither PHI Security and Privacy? Healthcare environment is poised for IT growth (e.g., EHR, wireless, RFID, outsourcing) and increasing sophistication With this growth comes increased exposure of PHI to threats Lack of incentives for HIPAA compliance will continue to hurt
How Do We Close the Gap? Build on EHR enthusiasm But need to build trust in the technology Need to incentivize healthcare IT industry to interoperate Need a good marketing blitz Need CMS, VA, DoD-HA, SSA to work together Congress needs to move quickly to mandate We need to push Congress for action