IS CHINESE ECONOMIC DEMAND KILLING AFRICA’S GORILLAS? By Nick Wadhams 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna
G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna
G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna
G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna This is: A reference text, in fact it tells us about endangered species The title is: Shocking and enigmatic It helps the reader to understand the text The article is about: Gorillas killing and their possible extinction 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna
The text can be divided into three parts: The first tells us about the causes which can lead to the extinction of Africa’s gorillas; 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna
G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna The second There is a description of two type of gorillas: eastern gorillas and western gorillas It tells us about eastern gorillas The third Tells us about western gorillas 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna
The voices speaking are: The journalists and some environmentalist It is addressed to: People in general The layout is: Lines are grouped together in a unique body Line length is regular There is a photo of a gorilla 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna
The language is: The style is: The tone is: The atmosphere: Simple, colloquial, rich The style is: Linear, accurate, precious The tone is: Serious and interested The atmosphere: Quiet and menacing 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna
G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna Whose aim is: Inform and sensitize the reader about gorillas killing 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna
G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna The main theme is: Relationship between man and nature 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna
IS CHINESE ECONOMIC DEMAND KILLING AFRICA’S GORILLAS ? Bibliography: IS CHINESE ECONOMIC DEMAND KILLING AFRICA’S GORILLAS ? Nick Wadhams,Time March,26,2010,8599,1975555,00.html, last access: 19/05/2010,31813,188 8583,00.html, last access: 19/05/2010 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna
G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna Class: 1°E PNI School year : 2009/2010 Interdisciplinary project: Man and the environment-Climate changes and endangered species Students involved: G. Balducci, G. Iannone Teacher involved: prof.ssa E.Siboni Subject involved: English, I.T. 01/01/2019 G.Balducci G.Iannone 1E PNI Liceo Scientifico A.Oriani Ravenna