How to change your quick links in Euronet?
Introduction The quick links… Allow you to fill in your Origin and Destination city automatically in E2 Save time Display by default on the top whether you use SBS or SBP modes Have been defined by Rail Europe and offer the list of most popular routes The v.v allows you to enter the reverse direction You can now personalise your links by modifying, deleting or adding links.
Introduction Quick links by default in Search By schedule ERP Direct Connection USA Direct Connection RENFE Direct Connection ALL
Introduction Quick links by default in Search By Price ERP inventory USA Direct Connection ATOC Direct Connection RENFE Direct Connection ALL
Introduction If you want to display different routes than the one mentioned in the previous slides then check out to do it, it’s quick and easy! You can personalise up to 9 routes per inventory You can enter the station of departure/arrival, very useful for RENFE inventory You can choose the order of display To change the link you can : 1. Modify the links by default one by one 2. Delete the links if you don’t want to have them displayed 3. Add new routes if you have deleted routes
1. How to modify a link? In your preferences tab, select “Quick links”
1. How to modify a link? Choose the inventory
1. How to modify a link? Follow the steps: 5. Title you want to be displayed 6. Choose the order of display 7. Click on Done 8. Click on Save and Return to validate all the new routes Follow the steps: 1. Choose the inventory 2. Select the routes you want to modify 3. Select “Modify” 4. Enter new Origin & Destination 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. How to modify a link? Example 1. Select “Modify” 2. Enter the Origin & Destination 3. Enter the title you want to be displayed in your quick links preview 4. Select the order of display 5. Click on Done 1 2 3 4 5
1. How to delete a link? In your preferences tab, select “Quick links”
1. How to delete a link? Follow the steps: 1. Select one by one the route you want to remove 2. Select “Delete” 3. Confirm Delete 4. Once you have deleted all the links you want to be removed from the quick links, click on “Save & Return” 1 2 3 4
1. How to add a link? In your preferences tab, select “Quick links”
3. How to add a link? Follow the steps: 4. Title you want to be displayed 5. Choose the order of display 6. Click on Done 8. Click on Save and Return to validate all the new routes Follow the steps: To add a new link, you must have less 9 quick links in your box 1. Choose the inventory 2. Select “Add” 3. Enter Origin & Destination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
It’s time to personalise your quick links! Thanks for your attention 14