One or two lines for title – it’s Arial Bold 18pt with 20pt line spacing One or two lines for authors – it’s Arial 12pt with 14pt line spacing. This is title text – it’s Arial 9pt with 12 pt line spacing Standard poster text. It’s Arial 8pt with 10pt line spacing. It has a space between paragraphs of 5pt and will enlarge to approx 24pt for an A1 poster and 32pt for A0. This is what a second paragraph looks like so that you can see the paragraph spacing. Remember that even though the spacing might look small on your screen it will look fine when enlarged to poster size. Copy and paste as many of these text boxes as you need to fill you poster space. Other styles of text box are supplied but it’s not advisable to use them all in the same poster! This text box does not have a coloured fill and the text is not inset – it goes right to the edges of the box. Here are numbered paragraphs: This is point one. You might want to adjust the tab stop if numbered points run to two numbers. And this is point two…. Bulleted lists work in the same way: This is bullet point one And this is bullet point two This is title text – it’s Arial 9pt with 12 pt line spacing This text box has a light blue fill and the text is inset by .1cm. Right click over this text box and choose ‘Format Shape’ to change settings. You can even add a frame. Please note that some of the fancy effects available in PowerPoint 2007 do not print properly sometimes. This is title text – its Arial 9pt with 12 pt line spacing This text box has a light blue fill and the text is inset by .1cm. Right click over this text box and choose ‘Format Shape’ to change settings. You can even add a frame. Please note that some of the fancy effects available in PowerPoint 2007 do not print properly sometimes. This box has a shadow: this effect works fine. Use this footer area for third party logos and your contact details, if required.