10.1 Areas of parallelograms and triangles
10.2 Areas of trapezoids, rhombuses, and kites
10.3 areas of Regular polygons -Area of regular Polygon:
10.4 Perimeters and areas of similar figures -Theorem 10.7: If the similarity ratio of two similar figures is a:b then… 1. the ratio of their perimeters is a:b 2. the ratio of their areas is a^2:b^2
The area of any triangle given SAS is… 10.5 Trigonometry and area The area of any triangle given SAS is…
10.6 – 10.7 Area of Circles, area of sectors, and arc length
10.8 Geometric probability -Geometric Probability: Is found by taking the geometric area or length of a total region or outcome and dividing it by the area or length Of the region or Outcome sought