Monday, October 16th Fill in your planner with: We will be finishing our Laucaux Cave Exploration Tour today! Make sure that you are focused and on task! Make sure your Study Guide for the test is completed for tomorrow. We will be going over that. Test will be Friday (Oct. 20th ) Fill in your planner with: Finish Laucaux Cave Activity Complete Study Guide for test Study!
Tuesday, October 17th Take a piece of gray or black construction paper from the front table you will be drawing Cave Art today Add the following paper to your binder The First People Guided Notes (pgs. 36, 37) Reminder: Test 10/20 – Make sure you are studying your study guide! Fill in your agenda with: Chapter 2.1 Reading (The First People) Work on Guided Notes Work on Study Guides Cave Art
Wednesday, October 18th Fill in your agenda with: Take your Ancient Civilization Book from the cart We will be working on the The First People Guided Notes (pgs. 36, 37) today! Make sure you read pgs. 28-34. Reminder: Test 10/20 – Make sure you are studying your study guide! Check the board for your current grade Fill in your agenda with: The First People Guided Notes (pgs. 28-34) Study for Chapter 1 and 2.1 test on Friday Current Events be ready to present Friday Make sure your study guide is complete
Thursday, October 19th Take your Ancient Civilization Book from the cart Take out your study guides we will be checking these today! Remember the test is tomorrow. STUDY! Take out your guided notes (The First People) from yesterday We will be finishing these today! Add the following Bellringer (#7) to your binder Why did people live as hunter-gatherers in the past? Fill in your Agenda with: Check Chapter 1 and 2.1 Study guide Check The First People
Friday, October 20th TEST TODAY! Make sure you have something to do for the period of time after the test We will be presenting current events after the test. (Three students should be ready to present) I will announce the next three for next week Fill in Agenda with: Chapter 1 and 2.1 Test Current Events