SQUARE The square frame around the clock on Big Ben is a 7 meter square. What are the perimeter and area of the frame around the clock on the tower?
CIRCLE The face of the clock has a diameter of 7 meters, what is the circumference and area of the clock on Big Ben?
RECTANGLE Central Park in New York City is 2.5 miles long and 0.5 miles wide. What are the perimeter and area of Central Park?
TRIANGLE The Louvre in Paris has a pyramid that serves as the main entrance. Each face of the pyramid is 35 meters long and has a height of about 27.03 meters. What is the area of each face? Teacher’s note: The height given is approximate but is the number students should use as the height of the triangular face.
PARALLELOGRAM This building stands at the foot of Mt. Yatsugatake in Japan. It was designed to be an architect’s studio. If the base is about 6 meters long and 23.4 meters tall, what is the area of the face of the house facing you in this photograph? Teacher’s note: Due to information about the building being in Japanese, the dimensions were unknown and, therefore, not accurate.
RHOMBUS The windows of the Swiss Re building in London are rhombi. Each side length of the rhombi are approximately 5.7 ft. long. Given this length, what would be the perimeter of each rhombus? Teacher’s note: The height given is approximate but is the number students should use as the side length of the rhombus.
TRAPEZOID The Abu Dhabi Security Exchange recently chose the Aura Eco Saver Long Life Building for its headquarters. The bottom base of the trapezoid building is 24 meters. Along the top, the building is 30 meters long. The height (of the trapezoid building not including the support columns) is 12 meters. What is the area of the building? Teacher’s note: Dimensions are not accurate.
The next few slides will help you check your answers. Did you show your formulas? Did you label your final answer? Correct your paper as we go over these problems together.
BIG BEN P = 4s (or add all sides) P = 4(7) P = 28 m A = l x w A = 7 x 7 A = 49 m2
CLOCK A = ∏r2 C = ∏d A = 3.14(3.52) C = 3.14(7) A = 3.14(12.25) A = 38.465 m2 C = ∏d C = 3.14(7) P = 21.98 m
CENTRAL PARK P = 2l + 2w P = 2(2.5)+2(0.5) P = 5 + 1 P = 6 miles A = l x w A = 2.5(0.5) A = 1.25 sq miles
LOUVRE, PARIS A = ½bh A = ½(35)(27.03) A = 473.025 m2
ARCHITECT STUDIO A = b x h A = 6(23.4) A = 140.4 m2
SWISS BUILDING P = 4s (or add all sides) P = 4(5.7) P = 22.8 ft
Aura Eco Saver Long Life Building A = ½ (b1 + b2)h A = ½ (30 + 24)(12) A = ½ (54)(12) A = 324 m2