אֶלָה בְּמַה שֶּיֵש בּוֹ אַל תִּסְתַּכֵּל בְּקַנקַן אֶלָה בְּמַה שֶּיֵש בּוֹ Adina Broder
But at what’s inside it Don’t look at the container,
The jug looks old & dirty. What’s inside must be bad. This means: The jug looks old & dirty. What’s inside must be bad. Don’t judge what’s inside the container by how looks on the outside,
Instead, judge it by what ‘s inside it I love it! This tastes great! It’s delicious
This is similar to the saying: Don’t Judge a Book By its Cover The mOst boring speeches ever From the cover, this looks like a boring book…
But maybe…
We shouldn’t judge people By how they look on the outside In the same way, We shouldn’t judge people By how they look on the outside But instead By how they are on the inside
אַל תִּסְתַּכֵּל בְּקַנקַן אֶלָה בְּמַה שֶּיֵש בּוֹ Don’t look at the container, But at what’s inside it