Unit 1-Fitness Testing and Training P3 Be able to describe 4 different lifestyle factors that can affect sports training and performance.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1-Fitness Testing and Training P3 Be able to describe 4 different lifestyle factors that can affect sports training and performance

Stress Alcohol Smoking Drugs Sleep Demands of work Medical History Level of activity Diet Weight Gender Culture Sports Participation Lifestyle Factors

A state of mental strain that is linked to anxiety and tension. High levels of stress can improve or decrease levels of performance (positive or negative) EUSTRESS is a positive form of stress that can occur when a sports performer is pushing themselves, in an enjoyable way, to reach their potential For some activities stress can be beneficial (e.g sprinting); for others it can decrease performance (e.g. golf) There is an optimum level of stress for each sport. Not enough stress can decrease performance as participants have insufficient motivation or arousal, but too much can have a negative effect such as a player losing control Stress is in everyday life is a different matter. It can be dangerous and even lead to illness. One of the good things about taking part in sport is that it reduces everyday stress. Stress

Drinking is a lifestyle choice people are able to control. Alcohol prevents muscle growth and can lead to muscles shrinking. Competing with alcohol could also be dangerous and lead to an increased risk of injury. Alcohol contains calories which can affect your long-term training plan if you plan to drink a lot. In the long term it can damages the liver, muscles and heart, and it can even cause mental illness. The immune system can also be affected. Alcohol is a banned substance in some sports (e.g. shooting, archery and fencing) and it against the law to drive a car with excess levels in the bloodstream. Alcohol

Smoking is a lifestyle choice that people are able to control. Even small amounts of smoking are harmful to your health. Smoking can increase the risk of serious diseases such as lung cancer and heart disease. It can cause health problems such as smoker cough, sore throats, shortness of breath, dizziness All the effects of smoking are going to have a negative effect on how well you can train and perform. Smoking also reduces aerobic fitness levels Smoking

This includes any medical condition you have and anything you have already experienced. They need to be taken into account when training or performing. Medical conditions such as asthma can affect the respiratory system and can reduce your ability to train and compete Muscle injuries also take time to heal properly before you are able to train to your full capacity Medical History

People who are interested in sport participate in their leisure activities Being very active is likely to increase your fitness levels. However, if leisure activities are too demanding they may leave you with little energy for education or work commitments. A very low level of activity has opposite effect leading to low levels of general fitness. Level of activity

Diet need to be both balanced and suitable to supply you with enough energy for physical demands you make on your body. Too many calories lead to excess fat and limit your ability to train. Too few calories will limit ability to train, as you will run out of energy A balanced diet includes: Carbohydrates, essential for quick release of energy and enough energy to train Protein, which is needed for muscle growth Vitamins and minerals, which are essential for growth and repair to achieve good aerobic fitness levels and strong bones Diet

Drugs Prescription Drugs Obtained from chemist if you have a doctors prescription (e.g asthma inhaler) Some drugs affect level at which you can train safely, particularly aerobic fitness. Pain relief is given for athletes with minor injuries so they can continue to train and compete e.g cortisone injection to reduce inflammation. However they can mask the injury symptoms so athletes play through it resulting in even greater damage Illegal Drugs All recreational drugs (e.g. marijuana, heroin, cocaine), which may have harmful effects, including decreasing motivation to train. Being found to have taken illegal drugs can result in permanent ban from certain sports. Taking any illegal drugs is a poor lifestyle choice

Their use in sport is banned as its considered cheating. Professional sportspeople are regularly tested to make sure they are not using them. Anabolic steroids are the most common. They are used to increase muscle mass, which increases strength so that performers can train harder (training drugs) There are lots of dangerous side effects to these drugs which can result in serious health issues. Performance enhancing drugs

Describe four lifestyle factors to them that can affect sports training and performance. You can achieve this by completing Assessment Activity 3- Squeaky Clean! worksheet or a leaflet or poster. Assignment Brief

The PE department are a little worried by the attitude of some of the younger pupils in the school, who seem to think the behaviour and lifestyle of some high profile performers is acceptable. They think it is time for them to understand the impact lifestyle factors can have on training and performance, so ask if you would be prepared to describe four lifestyle factors to them that can affect sports training and performance Scenario

Lifestyle Factors assignment Lifestyle FactorsDescription