River GIGs: Checking and completing the Decision Annex Presented by Wouter van de Bund Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability
Issues MS sharing intercalibration types Names of intercalibrated methods in the Decision Completion of the technical report
MS sharing river intercalibration types, names of intercalibrated methods Current Decision Annex shows in most cases MS that have participated in the IC for a type instead of MS sharing the types Current Decision Annex is not consistent in naming of MS assessment methods JRC has sent out a request to ECOSTAT members from all MS to check/confirm/supplement their types and name their methods Information received from 16 countries (12 missing)
Information on types 12 countries need to provide information: BG, CZ, EE, FI, GR, IE, IT , LU, MT, NO, RO, SI Final check within the GIGs should be made
Information on method names 12 countries need to provide information: BG, CZ, EE, FI, GR, IE, IT , LU, MT, NO, RO, SI DK, NL, UK need to provide reference to their method for inclusion in the technical report
Technical Report Little progress on technical report since July ECOSTAT meeting Substantial editorial work is needed – planned to be carried out autumn 2007 Special focus on issues referred to in Guidelines: Process for MS with new/updated methods Reference condition setting Some input will be needed from the GIGs