Mrs. S. Crosby| Reading/Language Arts How To Writing Mrs. S. Crosby| Reading/Language Arts
What is a How-To Essay and what is the purpose? A How-to essay explains a process of doing something, or how to do something. The purpose of a how-to essay is to inform, or give information, to the reader.
Where do I start? Ideas? Graphic organizer Supplies Equipment What do I want to write about? Supplies Equipment What are the materials I need? Make sure you have done this before! Do I know exactly what I am doing?
How-To continue.. When writing a how-to essay, proper thinking about all the materials needed to complete the process is necessary.
How to continue… Organize your whole process including your thoughts and ideas. Use a graphic organizer. (Prewrite)
How to continue… As you write the essay, use transition words to connect the steps and ideas together. Some sequence words to consider are: first, second, third, fourth, then, next, and finally.
How to cont.… Time-order words help the reader follow the steps more easily. After you have drafted the essay, you should check over your work to make sure all the steps are clear. Lastly, proofread to correct any mistakes in grammar, usage, and punctuation.
Finally… The final step is to publish or share the essay.
References Microsoft Word 2013 mmunity/lesson-plan/how-to-essay- background-information-for-teachers- and-parents/