Health Insurance Coverage and Uninsured Trends 46.3 Million Uninsured, 2008 Uninsured Projected to Rise to 61 million by 2020 Uninsured (15%) Military (4%) Employer (59%) Millions uninsured Individual (9%) Medicaid (14%) Medicare (14%) Total population Projected Data: Analysis of the U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement 2001–2009; projections to 2020 based on estimates by The Lewin Group. Source: K. Davis, Changing Course: Trends in Health Insurance Coverage, 2000–2008, Hearing on "Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage: Assessing Key Consensus Indicators of Family Well-Being in 2008," Joint Economic Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, September 10, 2009.