Women on Mission With God 34 Women on Mission With God
Introduction Two women, two years, oral story set What were the difficulties they faced? What was the fruit when they left?
God Entrusted Women In Bible Times In History Which women are noteworthy in the Old and NT? What principles do you see controlling their work? In History Women martyrs abound in the early centuries Wives accompanied their missionary husbands during the upsurge in Protestant missions In the world today, women play a key role Two-thirds of the missionary force are women
God’s Call to Women A tragic case study – Dorothy Carey The author seems to point to a lack of call as a key factor in her inability to cope with the mission field and its hardships. Agree or disagree? Should William Carey have waited on Dorothy? Should you always wait on the spouse to be called? Married women missionaries Deal with the issue of calling Key factor: see your career in phases
God’s Call to Women Single women missionaries Ministry to women in cultures where they are segregated Educational ministry to children Training indigenous women for itinerant ministry Indigenous women missionaries “Bible Women” - older widows preferred because they could travel as Bible teachers These women have been key in several CPMs
Which Women Does God Call Working women – pursue their careers as a platform to enable mission ministry Learners of language and culture Often among women with high illiteracy rates. They tailor their ministry to oral learners Wives and mothers – ministering in all the phases of motherhood and family Reaching women in the same life phase Working to be a “kingdom family” that adapts to the life-ways of the community in which they plant themselves When the season of full-time evangelism comes, make sure you have Strong walk with God Mastery of the local language At least one time of intentional ministry among the unreached each week
Conclusion God is calling women into missionary service It is a privilege to respond and go