Toulouse GISC Status Doc 29 TT-GISC
GISC Toulouse Dissemination: 4.5 Gb for 24h cache Transmet for WMO users. Difmet for public users. 4.5 Gb for 24h cache 280 Mb for AMDCN 24h (15000 products by day)
Last news June 2013 : International Workshop on UK Met Office and Meteo France on vGISC implementation (3 days). Agreement on Cooperation for backup with GISC Moscow. Odyssey Radar DCPC operational (under OpenWIS). vGISC offers an OpenWis web portal and tools for metadata manipulation.
To be continued Finalize the backup implementation between GISCs Toulouse and Moscow. Finalize the vGISC implementation between GISCs Toulouse and Exeter. Continue deployment of links with others GISCs (Tokyo, Washington). Metadata improvement. Involvement in the evolution of OpenWIS and migration to opensource.
Something to be discuss between the GISCs Cache size limitation and bandwidth usage WIS benefit for external users: « Reduce » the number of metadata Facilitate the subscription Dissemination FTP “packaging” Harmonization
Recommended text Mr Benjamin Saclier reported the current status of GISC Toulouse. A workshop on vGISC for region VI has been organized in June 2013 jointly with UK-MET office (20 participants from NCs and DCPCs). TT-GISC noted that an agreement on cooperation for backup with GISC Moscow has been signed. Mr Saclier informed that DCPC Odyssey radar is under implementation, and that vGISC proposes through internet a web portal for metadata management. This service is offered for NC’s and DCPC of vGISC area of responsibility.
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