A Separate Peace Quiz over Chapters 11-13
1. How is the snowball fight like Blitzball?
2. What is Brinker’s reaction to Leper’s departure from the army?
3. What makes Finny give up his denial of the war?
4. Why do Brinker and his friends take Gene and Finny to the First Building?
5. Why did Finny leave the room crying and fall down the stairs?
6. Why did Finny only allow Gene to help him with his leg?
7. What does Finny yell at Gene in the hospital room?
8. In the hospital room, what does Gene tell Finny he wants to do?
9. Where does Gene go after apologizing to Finny?
10. Why does Gene go back to the hospital the next day?
11. In their last conversation, what does Gene find out about Finny that he hadn’t known before?
12. Why does Gene tell Finny he wouldn’t be any good in the war?
13. How does Finny die?
14. How does the Devon campus change after Finny’s death?
15. Gene’s memories of Devon start and end in what season?
16. What does Brinker’s dad advise the boys to do when picking a branch of the military?
17. Which branch of the military does Gene choose?
18. What branch of the military does Brinker choose?
19. Why doesn’t Gene talk about Finny in the past tense?
20. Who wrote the novel?