Transitioning to High School and PWCS Specialty Programs What is my path?
Get to know your Professional School Counselor It is EXTREMELY important for you to know who your school counselor is and what the school counseling office has to offer. Ask about: Scholarships After school programs Clubs and activities Community activities Help with organization and time management Counselors are here to HELP YOU!
Use Your Resources Available resources to enhance success: Student Agenda Parent Portal School Messenger After-School Tutoring Parents Teachers Counselors
Graduation Requirements The state of Virginia offers two types of diplomas to regular education* students: STANDARD DIPLOMA ADVANCED STUDIES DIPLOMA Note: You will receive a “Carnegie” unit course credit when you pass a class. The credit is considered verified when you pass the end of course Standards of Learning Test. *Students with disabilities may be eligible to receive an “Applied Studies” diploma.
Other Graduation Requirements Standard Diploma STANDARDS CREDITS - 22 VERIFIED CREDITS - 6 Subject Credits Needed English 4 2 Math 3 1 Science Social Studies Health/PE Student Choice World Lang/Fine Arts/CTE Other Graduation Requirements Econ/Finance Industry Credential Electives 4* Virtual Experience CPR Training *Courses to satisfy this requirement must include 2 sequential electives
Advanced Studies Diploma STANDARDS CREDITS - 26 VERIFIED CREDITS - 9 Subject Credits Needed English 4 2 Math Science Social Studies Health/PE Student Choice 1 World Lang 2+2 or 3 Other Graduation Requirements Econ/Finance CPR Training Electives 3 or 4* Virtual Experience *Courses to satisfy this requirement must include 1 Fine Arts or CTE credit
Standards of Learning (SOL) SOL Subjects SOL Courses Advanced Diploma Verified Credit Requirement Standard Diploma Verified Credit Requirement English English 11 Reading & Writing 2 Mathematics Algebra I Geometry Algebra II 1 Science Biology I Earth Science Chemistry World History World History I World History II US/VA History Student Selected Total 9 6
Transcripts A transcript is a resume for life after high school. The information on transcripts includes course history, credits earned, GPA, and class rank. Freshman year is as important as any other year.
Promotion Requirements 9th Grade Successful completion of eighth grade 10th Grade Five credits, three of which must be in required courses 11th Grade Eleven credits, six of which must be in required courses 12th Grade Sixteen credits, nine of which must be in required courses
High School Specialty Programs Advanced Placement Scholars Specialty Program The Biotechnology Center The Cambridge Programme Center for Environmental and Natural Sciences Center for the Fine and Performing Arts Center for International Studies and Languages Center for Information Technology International Baccalaureate Programme Pre-Governor’s School @ Osbourn Park
Specialty Program Application Deadline FEBRUARY 1, 2017
County-Wide Specialty Program Information Sessions October 24, 2016, 7-9pm at Gar-field High School October 25, 2016, 7-9pm at Stonewall Jackson High School Information is available about a range of programs, check the 2017-18 HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM OPPORTUNITIES guide for more information.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs have two attendance options: Transfer and Transport
Transfer Participation in the following programs requires a full-time transfer to the school: Agriculture: Brentsville Cybersecurity: Potomac Automotive Technology: Hylton, Osbourn Park Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning: Freedom Biomedical Sciences: – Osbourn Park Television Production: Hylton Cabinetmaking: Hylton Welding: - Potomac High School
2. Transport Participation in the following programs requires transportation by bus from your base school to attend required classes at the program location: Building Trades: Patriot Cosmetology: Stonewall Jackson or Woodbridge (you will not use the transport option if you are already attending Stonewall Jackson HS or Woodbridge) Culinary Arts: Patriot or Potomac Practical Nursing: Osbourn Park
School Information Nights Battlefield HS November 17, 2016 January 12, 2017 7:00pm Program: Center for Information Technology, including Network Design & Engineering
School Information Nights Brentsville District High School November 16, 2016 and January 12, 2017 7:00pm Program(s): Cambridge Program Agriculture
School Information Nights C.D. Hylton High School November 15, 2016 and January 12, 2017 7:00pm Program(s): Center for International Studies and Languages Auto Technology Cabinetmaking Television Production
School Information Nights Colgan High School November 15, 2016 7:00pm Program(s): Center for Fine and Performing Arts *Application deadline is December 12, 2016
School Information Nights Forest Park High School November 17, 2016 and January 5, 2017 7:00pm Program: Center for Information and Technology, including Network Design and Engineering
School Information Nights Freedom High School November 10, 2016 7:00pm Program(s): Center for Environmental and Natural Science Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
School Information Nights Gar-Field High School November 1, 2016 and January 17, 2017 7:00pm Program(s): International Baccalaureate Program Project Lead the Way (transfer option for Hylton Students)
School Information Nights Osbourn Park High School December 8, 2016 and January 11, 2017 6:30pm Program(s): The Biotechnology Center The Pre-Governor’s School Auto Technology PLTW Biomedical Sciences (can only apply 11th grade year) Practical Nursing (can only apply 12th grade year)
School Information Nights Patriot High School November 9, 2016 and January 18, 2017 7:00pm Program(s): Advanced Placement Scholars Specialty Program Building Trades (transport) Culinary Arts (transport)
School Information Nights Potomac HS November 17, 2016 and January 12, 2017 7:00pm Program(s): Cambridge Program Culinary Arts (transport) Welding Cybersecurity
School Information Nights Stonewall Jackson High School November 17, 2016 and January 17, 2017 7:00pm Program(s): International Baccalaureate Program Cosmetology (transport)
School Information Nights Woodbridge High School October 28, 2016 7:00pm Program(s): Advanced Placement Scholars Specialty Program Cosmetology (transport) Project Lead the Way (transfer option for Hylton students) WHS-Theater, Dance, Music (Music Technology), Visual, Creative Writing are available at WHS. Auditions for Band, Orchestra, Music Tech and Choral, are on Jan. 4, 2014 Auditions for Creative Writing, Dance, Theater, and Visual Arts are on Jan 11, 2014
Battlefield or Stonewall Jackson JROTC Programs All high schools, with the exception of Brentsville, Colgan and Patriot, have a JROTC program. Information may be available at the information night programs. Brentsville, Colgan and Patriot students have the following options for transfer based on application and available space: Base School Transfer Location Brentsville Stonewall Jackson Patriot Battlefield or Stonewall Jackson Colgan Osbourn Park
Governor’s School @ Innovation Park Information Sessions will be held on November 5, 2016 and December 3, 2016 from 9:00 to 10:30am at George Mason University Prince William Campus To prepare for Governor’s School students may wish to apply to the Pre-Governor’s School program at Osbourn Park. However, students from any Prince William County High School may apply to the program. Students must complete Algebra I prior to entering high school to be eligible for the program. It is recommended students complete Geometry before high school as well.
What does all this mean for me? Take careful thought when applying for a specialty program: Will I follow the program until the end? Do I meet the qualifications for the program? Can I manage my time wisely to complete this program successfully? Will this program better prepare me for my next steps in life? Every high school in PWCS will provide you with a World Class education!