AICE Media Studies p.3 Preliminary Task 1. Cole Smith. Hunter Simon. Rhyan Ajith.
Shot Type: Establishing Shot Angle Type: Eye Level Purpose: The purpose of this shot is to establish the setting of the scene that is going to take place, which in this case is a basketball court
Shot Type: Master Shot Angle Type: Eye Level Purpose: The purpose of this shot is to introduce the characters in the setting of the scene.
Shot Type: Two Shot Angle Type: Eye Level Purpose: The purpose of this shot is to show that the two characters have an equal shot at getting possession of the ball.
Shot Type: Medium Shot Angle Type: Low Angle Purpose: The purpose of this shot is to make Hunter seem larger and more powerful.
Shot Type: Aerial Shot Angle Type: High Angle Purpose: The purpose of this shot is to show a different, clearer view of the ball going into the hoop.
Shot Type: Extreme Close-Up Angle Type: Eye Level Purpose: The purpose of this shot is to add a cool affect. It is visually pleasing to the viewer.
Shot Type: Over-The-Shoulder Angle Type: Eye Level Purpose: The purpose of this shot is to show the character getting crossed over. This shot focuses on the person dribbling.
Shot Type: P.O.V. Angle Type: Eye Level Purpose: The purpose of this shot is to provide an obscure perspective and to show the ball being scored.
Shot Type: Medium Close-Up Angle Type: Eye Level Purpose: The purpose of this shot is to illustrate how hard the character is working to achieve his goal.
Shot Type: Normal Close-Up Angle Type: Eye Level Purpose: The purpose of this shot is to show the impact of the player running into the pole.
Shot Type: Canted P.O.V. Angle Type: Canted Purpose: The purpose of this shoot is to show the player in pain after hitting the pole.
Shot Type: Long Shot Angle: Eye Level Purpose: The purpose of this shot is to show vulnerability and sadness of character after defeat.
Critical Reflection A) How does your product use or challenge conventions? By watching basketball scenes in both The Longest Yard and Thunderstruck, I learned a lot about which types of shots and angles are fit for a scene involving a basketball game. I learned that aerial shots are good to show the viewer a clear shot that the ball did or did not go into the basket. I also learned the low angle make players that are jumping off the ground for a dunk or block look much bigger and more aggressive. Medium Close-ups are also commonly used to show players emotions in the game such as fear or anger. Finally, I learned that long and wide shots signal defeat and make the loser look sad.
Critical Reflection B) How did your production skills develop throughout this project? Before this project, I did not understand why shots and angles were so important. I believed that when movies were filmed, the person filming it would just film and that’s how it would come out, but now I know that there are many strategies and ways to film something. I also have great understanding now of the shots and angles that I didn’t quite grasp at first such as the difference between the three types of close-ups.
Critical Reflection C) How did you integrate technologies- software, hardware, and online – in this project I used my computer to research, type up my blogs, and make the Powerpoint for this project. I used Rhyan’s phone to take the actual pictures used in the Powerpoint. I used my phone for additional research needed to assist with the Powerpoint.