ČIPA – Czech Initiative for Asthma Independent non-profit organisation founded 1996 Representatives of 2 scientific societies: allergologists and pneumologists Member of EFA Participating in international activities – GINA, EAACI, ERS
ČIPA Aims: information of specialists and the public about news in diagnostics and treatment of asthma Education of health care workers Publications about asthma and allergy Providing Pollen information service
ČIPA Main activities: World Asthma Day – conferences, seminars, press articles, radio broadcasting, spirometry for public Round the year – Project 7 A – information/seminars for teachers about allergies in the school – since 2009: 2772 teachers in 94 seminars trained!
ČOPN - Czech Civic Association Against Lung Diseases Czech national patients´ organization Partner of ČIPA Members: patients with chronic pulmonary diseases + pneumologists Founded 2000 following GOLD Iniciative Participation in World COPD Day incl. press conference, broad information campaign Countrywide spirometries for public: in November 2017 – 1512 persons examined with 12% abnormal findings
ČOPN Specialized local clubs for patients with identic dg.: COPD, asthma, interstitial lung diseases, sarcoidosis,with sleep disorders, post-transplant patients Participation in patients´ organisation activities on both national (incl. Ministry of Health) and international level (ELF – Patients Advisory Board, COPD Global)
Czech delegate to EFA Dr. Stanislav Kos, PhD., FCCP St.Kos@seznam.cz