Digestion Food has to be broken down so we can use the stuff its made from Different food groups contain different useful substances
What are the different food groups? Starchy Carbohydrates Proteins Fats
Starchy Carbohydrates Rice, pasta, potatoes, cereals and bread Slow releasing energy High in STARCH
Starch Produced by most green plants for storage Iodine turns blue/black
Task Bread contains the storage molecule- starch Take a bit of bread and chew it- keep chewing it and don’t swallow- the taste will start to change What does it taste like?
Starch Starch is made from lots of sugar molecules joined together Digestion starts in the mouth- broken down into sugar Break down catalysed by the enzyme AMYLASE in saliva Amylase is the enzyme which breaks down starch into sugar (maltose)
Experiment- What is amylase? Using our knowledge about amylase we are going to test 3 unknown chemicals to find out which one is Amylase AIM: To find out which enzyme A,B or C is amylase
Apparatus 3 droppers Measuring cylinder 3 test tubes Starch solution Test tube rack Iodine Solution Stopclock 6 sticky labels Dimple tray Enzyme A, B and C
Method Label the test tubes A, B and C Add roughly 2mls of each enzyme into the correctly labelled test tube Measure 10 mls of starch (using the measuring cylinder) into each test tube and add to each test tube- start the stop clock After 3 minutes remove a small sample from each test tube (using correct dropper) and place in dimple tray- test with iodine and note result Repeat every 3 minutes
Conclusion Which enzyme was amylase? Explain how you came to your conclusion
What’s the question? Important reactions would be too slow to maintain life 400 billion per second Digestion The three main food groups Starch Amylase