Location summary.


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Presentation transcript:

Location summary

Run 2008 CC NC Received 102 20 Connected 92 16 Located 69 9 Last Update: 5:17:04 PM opera.xv_event_statistics   TITLE CC NC   Run 2007 Received 2 Run 2008 103 20 Connected 93 16 Located 70 10 Dead Material 7 Passing/Edge Decay Search 67 8 Run 2009 151 31 145 25 114 3 1 63 9 Poor Run 2010 13 12 opera.vw_bricks_to_register   ID_EVENTBRICK RESULT_STATUS 1037508 CS_CAND_OK_DEVELOP 1040645 1040796 1122725 BACK_TO_DETECTOR opera.vw_csbrick_connection   ID_EVENTBRICK RUNYEAR RESULT_STATUS 1062852 2008 NO_COSMIC_RAYS_DEVELOP 1011795 2009 BLACK_CS_DEVELOP 1076306 CS_CAND_OK_DEVELOP 1128156 1133912 1138138 opera.vw_csbrick_conncheck   ID_EVENTBRICK RUNYEAR RESULT_STATUS 1005449 2008 BLACK_CS_DEVELOP 1076306 2009 CS_CAND_OK_DEVELOP 1128156 1133912 1138138 opera.vw_trackfollow_bricks   ID_EVENTBRICK RUNYEAR 1013411 2009 1145496 opera.vw_trackfollow_check   ID_EVENTBRICK RUNYEAR 1115707 2008 1033147 2009 1070008 1070941 1076306 1115060 1117107 1120369 1127319 1072718 2010 opera.vw_totalscannable_bricks   ID_EVENTBRICK RUNYEAR 1115707 2008 1033147 2009 1070008 1070941 1115060 1117107 1120369 1127319 1145496 1072718 2010 opera.vw_totalscanned_bricks   Run 2008 CC NC Received 102 20 Connected 92 16 Located 69 9 Dead Material 7 Passing/Edge Decay Search Run 2008 CC NC Connection Received 90% 80% Location 68% 45% Connected 75% 56% Next brick 0% 3 “second bricks” received but not yet analized opera.vw_unconnected_bricks  

Run 2009 CC NC Received 151 31 Connected 145 25 Located 114 16 Dead Material 3 1 Passing/Edge 10 2 Decay Search 63 9 Poor   Run 2010 13 12 Run 2009 CC NC Connection Received 96% 81% Location 75% 52% Connected 79% 64% Next brick 7% 8% Run 2009 + 2010 CC NC Connection Received 96% 82% Location 77% 54% Connected 80% 67% Next brick 6% 7% Location procedure attempted on all bricks – no “waiting” brick

2008 –2009- 2010 Comparison

Total Multiplicity CC Multiplicity NC Multiplicity Run 2009+2010 Sample: 67 ev Run 2009 Sample: 53 ev Run 2008 Sample: 78 ev

IP (mm), all 1ry tracks IP (mm), muons Run 2009+2010 All: 195 tks Muons: 46 tks Run 2009 All: 153 tks Muons: 38 tks Run 2008 All: 243 tks Muons: 58 tks

Track Angle all 1ry tracks Track Angle (mm), muons Run 2009+2010 All: 215 tks Muons: 61 tks Run 2009 All: 165 tks Muons: 49 tks Run 2008 All: 255 tks Muons: 67 tks

Interesting Event

Brick 58219 – event 9297050123 Topology: kink between plate 6 and 7 Hadron interaction product search scan (tanq < 1) done around kink point, no track found 7-parent FL = 1464 mm 1-daughter IP = 68 mm p = 1.01 GeV/c Dq = 46 mrad p = 44 MeV/c In-track DS, R=8.1 5 2-m 9-g attached to 1ry vtx 6 3 10 4 – extra tk pointing to 2ry vtx 8

Brick 58219 – event 9297050123 Kink topology confirmed by GdL Extra-track not well understood: might be/not be correlated to the 2ry vertex (random alignment of 3 refreshing residuals, or low-p outcome of re-interaction of a neutral product) pb estimate from MCS: 1.01 [0.831.29] GeV/c p estimate from MCS: 1.02 GeV/c(m), 1.02 GeV/c(p), 1.11 GeV/c(K) p estimate from range (12 bricks): 0.98 GeV/c(m), 1.05 GeV/c(p), 1.23 GeV/c(K) Probability for a hadron to traverse 12 bricks without interacting: 2.1% Analysis of end-range track needed to discriminate particle type Extraction of last CS requested on Jul 17th

Exchanged Brick

Brick 65097 – Event 222007691 Charm found in Bari (Many thanks to Alessandra and Marilisa for information exchange and comparison)

Candidate found on CS : 4 Connected to brick : 3 Track Follow 71984.9 70527.1 0.1780 0.0877 64344.4 72253.4 -0.0501 0.1779 4 61716.7 61262.4 -0.1222 -0.2245 Track Follow

BARI* MUON SALERNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 1ry Vertex, 4 prongs X = 65698, Y = 68382, Z =-31525 2ry Vertex, 2 prongs X = 65717, Y = 68643, Z = -29549 Decay Length: 1.993 mm * From scanning meeting (Feb. 2010) Decay Length : 1.960 mm

Primary Vertex Bari Salerno Linear Fit: -0.1957 -0.2778 Sx Sy Momentum IP Track 1 0.058 0.225 1.5 1.3 0.227 * 3.2 Track 2 -0.120 0.084 6.7 10.3 -0.117 0.087 9.2 Track 3 -0.115 -0.238 3.8 2.5 -0.118 -0.230 1.3* 1.2 Track 4 -0.164 -0.221 2.8 -0.165 -0.213 5.25 7.1 * Scan Forth not performed Linear Fit: -0.1957 -0.2778 Kalman Fit: -0.1415 -0.1854 TK3:Muon for Bari TK4:Muon for Salerno (found on CS) Secondary Vertex Bari Salerno Sx Sy Momentum IP Track 5 -0.069 0.076 0.5 2.5 -0.054 0.08 1.4 Track 6 0.014 0.086 7.2 0.011 0.071 4.3

Scanning speed: status and outlook

Weekly location rate 2010 Nov-Dec 2009, 1 expert 1 non-expert Jan-Mar 2010, 1 expert (DS only) 1 non-expert DB lost (Apr 27) May-Jul 2010, 2 experts 1 non-expert 2009 Aug 2009 Aug 2010 Week Bricks

In Salerno, 1 expert shifter + 1 non-expert can locate >10 events / week (sustained) Current situation: 2 expert shifters + 1 non-expert (training) Outlook Sept- Dec 30, 2010: 2 expert shifters + 2 non-expert Outlook Dec 30-Mar 2011: 3 expert shifters + 1 non-expert Including summer and winter vacations (6 weeks total), working at our sustainable rate (with half manpower), we have the potential to process more bricks than we usually get (10 bks/week51 weeks = 510 bricks/year...) Spare time is used for system upgrades, tests and manpower-intensive activities such as hadron interaction search – but the scanning power in Salerno is far from being saturated


Linear Fit: -0.1957 -0.2778 Kalman Fit: -0.1415 -0.1854 TK3:Muon for Bari TK4:Muon for Salerno (found on CS) Linear Fit: -0.1957 -0.2778 Kalman Fit: -0.1415 -0.1854

TK #1 : Muon for Salerno TK #2: Muon for Bari