MAE 3291: JUNIOR DESIGN Presentation Review April 7, 2008 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Florida Institute of Technology D. R. Kirk
OVERALL PERFORMANCE GLXP Mars Wind Turbine Hybrid Rocket Channel Wing Titan MAV HPV PIFAS 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
GLXP 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
HYBRID ROCKET 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
CHANNEL WING 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
TITAN 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
MAV 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
HPV 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
PIFAS 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
QUESTION 1 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
QUESTION 2 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
QUESTION 3 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
QUESTION 4 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
QUESTION 5 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
QUESTION 6 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
QUESTION 7 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
QUESTION 8 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
COMMENTS: GLXP ICBM (Russian Model)???? What is that? Need bigger font on some pictures RTG’s (currently) rely on PU238; there is currently less than 15 kg on Earth, and is very likely not availabel for non-NASA use What is the definition DV? What calculations did you do to find DV? It feels like you didn’t practice enough before hand – took too much time. Don’t interrupt each other Show less; try to summarize info a bit more succinctly Rover road map repeats earlier road map Really good content, just need to be quicker Do not include data if it is not relevant to you 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
COMMENTS: MARS WIND TURBINE What’s your approach for success? Need not to read from the note cards, look up Are you trying to put together an actual mission to Mars, or just the turbine for Mars and determining the optical design and expected output? How do you intend to anchor down the turbine? 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
COMMENTS: HYBRID ROCKET What is flutter velocity? What is gyro read rate? What was the decision behind using a conical nozzle? Where there any calculations involved? What is 6 DOF? What is UCAT? Very nice flow from person to person What do you mean by regression rate? Cp vs. Cg slide was embarrassing… very high school Will NASA/AF let you use a hybrid formula? Who else has used the fuel? Will you be able to recover, how? Fix fin flutter slide – hard to read Show some equations What about the 45th and all the red tape? 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
COMMENTS: CHANNEL WING Why is flow through a ducted fan asymmetric? Did you mean asymmetric through channel wing configuration? How will a vertical landing be achieved? Controlability of inclined channel wing Don’t refer to “from last time…” just present the info and move on Good presentation, but I just didn’t feel sold on it. I can’t clearly see how you’re planning to accomplish these goals, and what numerical objectives you have, i.e., L/D, VTOL capabilities, etc. Didn’t let everyone speak or didn’t bring every one up Need more calculations – you can’t just say what your plane will do without proof Why a channel wing? Better than a helicopter? How do you know? Need clearer objectives Need more calculations 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
COMMENTS: TITAN Seems they haven’t done much Can barely hear them No motivation for project other than purely scientific research Very good picture and calculations Might want to state what COEUS stands for at the beginning Speak up 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
COMMENTS: MAV Need better planning for project Project itself if a great idea Presentation not clear No calculations Materials selection? I already feel like this is going to become a PowerPoint project Get your sh*t together 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
COMMENTS: HPV Could do better job with engineering approach Very well researched, good calculations, and motivation Presentation too long by some members Great job on visual aids Bad slides, can’t read left slide CVT – nice job! Saw it wasn’t going to work, so come up with new idea – good thinking and logical wisdom Speak up 1/1/2019 MAE 3291
COMMENTS: PIFAS Very nice – but did you just copy your slides form the presentation grading sheet? Face the audience when you speak This looks like too much work 1/1/2019 MAE 3291