“Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper It's not! No really, it's not! “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 1
by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper Teacher preparation programs are not preparing teachers to work with ELLs 42% of teachers have ELLs in their classroom Only 12.5% of these have received more than 8 hours of professional development specifically related to ELLs “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 2
by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper Teacher preparation programs are not preparing teachers to work with ELLs Only 1/6th of the 417 institutions surveyed by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education require any preparation re: education of ELLs “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 3
by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 4
Issues in Teaching ELLs Just being a good teacher is not enough in… Oral Language Reading Writing Content Areas Culture “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper
by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills) before CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) BICS - through opportunities to communicate with peers Idioms used in classroom management may confuse Do not have depth or breadth of native speakers “thousands of encounters with language used in meaningful contexts” CALP – not learned through “osmosis” Plan “structured opportunities for ELLs to actively engage in the process of negotiating meaning through academic language” “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 6
by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper Teacher should learn how L1 and L2 are the same and how they differ i.e. sounds, writing system, grammar, word order Running record assessments ELLs often cannot express as much as they can understand Overemphasis on pronunciation “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 7
by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper Teachers not used to explaining things ELLs may question i.e. rules of word order Need for explicit feedback “Does this sentence sound right?” “This paragraph sounds awkward.” Use resources L1 Cognitively mature with experiences “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 8
by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper Specify content AND language objectives Look out for challenging vocabulary Content area specific words (JGT) Common words with content area specific meaning i.e. table (math), crust (science), seat (social studies) Use cognates (esp. w/ Romance languages) Can ask students to point out cognates when they notice them “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 9
by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper Classroom participation structures US values: individualism, egalitarianism Work alone unless told otherwise, question teacher & text Routines may be alien Lining up, how to greet teacher, where to eat lunch, etc. Need to learn about students Understanding acculturation patterns, students' circumstances important Who Am I? Activities, KWL, etc. insufficient Reflect on own attitudes towards LOTE “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 10
by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper JGT vs. ELL Activating prior knowledge (KWL) Cooperative learning Student-centered, process-focused writing Hands-on activities Who Am I? Activities Use of L1 Consider how L1 impacts L2 Broader explanatory framework Ask complex questions that require low-level language for response “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 11
Asking ELLs Complex Questions Group work: Think of examples “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper
Creating complex questions that students can answer with limited language Aim for the application and above “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 13
by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper "What distinguishes a classroom that explicitly addresses the needs of ELLs from the 'just good teaching' classroom is that 'English is very much present and accounted for... teachers extend practices of good teaching to incorporate techniques that teach language as well as content' (Diaz-Rico & Weed, 2002, p.117)" p. 118 “Preparing Mainstream Teachers for English-Language Learners: Is Being a Good Teacher Good Enough?” by Ester J. de Jong & Candace A. Harper 14