Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety Disorders Textbook: psychological disorders characterized by distressing persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety *Most common
Anxiety Disorders Disorders in which anxiety is a characteristic feature or the avoidance of anxiety seems to motivate abnormal behavior
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Panic Attack (disorder) A sudden unpredictable feeling of intense fear or terror… usually lasts only a few minutes
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder A conditioning in which episodes of anxiety, sleeplessness, and nightmares are the result of some disturbing event in the past (PTSD)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder A conditioning in which episodes of anxiety, sleeplessness, and nightmares are the result of some disturbing event in the past (PTSD) Stressful Event: fire, flood, tornado, combat… Possibly reliving the event…
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder A disorder in which a person feels compelled to think disturbing thoughts and perform senseless rituals. (OCD) *Obsessions are involuntary thoughts or ideas that keep recurring despite the person’s attempt to stop them. **Compulsions are repetitive, ritualistic behaviors that a person feels compelled to perform.
OCD About 20% of those with OCD have only obsessions or only compulsions * Not visibly anxious unless try to stop them…
OCD + Survey
Phobic Disorders
Phobic Disorders Phobia = an intense, paralyzing fear something in the absence of any real danger – a fear of something that other people find bearable.
Fear vs. Phobia
Social Phobias Fears generally connected with the presence of other people (Public speaking, eating…)