Porting Process : Ireland Brief description or expansion of title Presenter’s name 01 January 2019 Presentation title
What can I port to Colt? We port geographic and non-geographic numbers. Contact your account manager to arrange the port for you. For geographic numbers, your account manager will ask you to fill in an internal Colt Order Form – and also complete an industry document called a Customer Instruction Form. The details you provide on the Customer Instruction Form will be used to send the port order to the donor Telco. For non-geographic numbers, the same two forms are required and additionally a copy of the invoice is required (dated within the last three months). The invoice should show the relationship between the number being ported and the customer. 01 January 2019 Presentation title
What can I port to Colt? We offer porting between 10:30am and 4pm in the business day. Limited out of business porting hours are available at 5pm, 6pm and 7pm Monday to Friday. Weekend porting is not available. Once we have validated your port order, there will be a 9 working day lead time to complete the order. We will send you a meeting invitation for the day of the port event so that you can take part in the event and confirm the port has been successful. 01 January 2019 Presentation title