Unit 1: Fitness Testing and Training Unit Code: R/502/5410 Credit Value: 5 Guided Learning Hours: 30 Unit 1: Fitness Testing and Training BTEC Level 2 Diploma In Sport and Extended Certificate
Aim and Purpose Unit Introduction Learning Outcomes This unit gives learners the opportunity to explore the essential fitness requirements and training methods used to achieve successful sports performance. The unit also explores lifestyle and psychological factors and the effects these can have on sports training and performance. Learners will investigate their personal fitness levels by participating in a series of fitness tests. Unit Introduction It is often said that ‘failing to prepare equals preparing to fail’. It is essential, therefore, that those involved in, and studying, sport have a good understanding of concepts relating to effective preparation. In this unit, learners will have the opportunity to examine the basic factors of fitness, lifestyle, and psychology in sport. Fitness is vital to achieving excellence in sport. To determine how fit an individual is, they can undertake a fitness assessment which will include a number of tests specific to each component of fitness. Fitness testing can play a valuable role in the development of physical fitness by helping to predict performance potential, identifying strengths and areas for improvement and providing feedback on the relative success of a training programme. Many individuals who take part in sport aim to improve their performance. Successful athletes develop and maintain high levels of physical fitness and take fitness training very seriously. The first part of this unit will give learners an insight into the physical fitness requirements and training methods used to achieve excellence in a selected sport. Learners will also explore lifestyle factors which may affect sports performance. The second part of the unit will enable learners to participate in a series of fitness tests to assess their current fitness levels and performance. Learners can then compare their own level of fitness and potential with the demand of competing at their desired level. In the final part of the unit learners will examine psychological factors which may affect training and sports performance. This unit is particularly relevant for those who would like to work in sports coaching, fitness instruction and elite sport. Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit a learner should… Know the fitness and training requirements necessary to achieve excellence in a selected sport. Know the lifestyle factors that affect sports training and performance. Be able to assess their own level of fitness. Know the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance.
3. BE ABLE TO ASSESS THEIR OWN LEVEL OF FITNESS. Unit Content 1. KNOW THE FITNESS AND TRAINING REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE IN A SELECTED SPORT. Components of fitness: physical fitness (aerobic endurance, muscular endurance, flexibility, speed, strength, body composition); skill-related fitness (agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time). Fitness training methods: e.g. flexibility training (static, active, passive, ballistic), strength and power training (resistance machines, circuit training, plyometrics, reps, sets and resistance), endurance training (continuous training, fartlek training, interval training, heart rate, training zones), speed and speed endurance (hollow sprints, acceleration sprints, interval training). Excellence: e.g. typical fitness levels/requirements of regional, national, international and professional performers. 2. KNOW THE KNOW THE LIFESTYLE FACTORS THAT AFFECT SPORTS TRAINING AND PERFORMANCE. Lifestyle factors: e.g. stress, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sleep, demands of work, medical history, level of activity, diet, weight, gender, culture, sports participation (training and competition). 3. BE ABLE TO ASSESS THEIR OWN LEVEL OF FITNESS. Fitness tests: e.g. flexibility (sit and reach test, goniometers), strength (one-repetition maximum (1RM), grip dynamometer), aerobic endurance (multi-stage fitness test, Chester step test), speed (40 m sprint), power (vertical jump, Wingate test), muscular endurance (one-minute press-up, one-minute sit-up), body composition (skinfolds, bioelectrical impedance analysis, body mass index). Administration of tests: pre-test procedures (informed consent, calibration of equipment); test protocols; reliability, validity and practicality of tests; recording test results. Interpretation of test results: compare personal fitness test results to normative data; compare personal fitness test results to levels required for excellence. 4. KNOW THE EFFECTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS ON SPORTS TRAINING AND PERFORMANCE. Factors: motivation; arousal and anxiety; personality; concentration. Effects: short term e.g. increased motivation, activate athletes towards targets and goals; long term e.g. maintenance of targets and goals, improved sports performance.
Assessment & Grading Criteria To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to: To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to: To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to: P1 - describe the fitness requirements for achieving excellence in a selected sport. M1 - explain the fitness requirements for achieving excellence in a selected sport. P2 - describe three different fitness training methods used to achieve excellence in a selected sport. P3 - describe four different lifestyle factors that can affect sports training and performance. P4 - carry out four different fitness tests for different components of fitness, recording the results accurately. P5 - interpret their test results and personal level of fitness. M2 - explain their test results and personal level of fitness, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. D1 - evaluate their test results and personal level of fitness, considering the level required to achieve excellence in a selected sport. P6 - describe the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance. M3 - explain the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance. D2 - analyse the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance.
Assignment Brief One Assignment Title: Fitness and Training For Sporting Excellence Start Date: Deadline Date: Submission Date: Assessor: The Purpose of this assignment is to: Enable learners to understand the fitness requirements to achieve excellence in a selected sport. Scenario: After the successful campaign for London to hold the 2012 Olympic Games the British Olympic Committee (BOC) have decided to employ a junior researcher to work alongside young sports performers in order to improve their performance with the aim to compete at the games. Every sports coach and performer needs to understand the concepts relating to fitness testing and training. Using the phrase ‘failing to prepare is preparing to fail’ coaches and performers alike are searching for that extra ingredient of success from factors such as: Fitness; Lifestyle; Psychology. As part of your research role you have been asked by the BOC to investigate these concepts and report your findings back to them, the countries hopes for Gold rest in your hands, good luck! Task 1: Select an up and coming 2012 British Olympic athlete and describe the fitness requirements needed to achieve excellence in their event. Make sure you include all the physical and skill related fitness components. Rank the fitness requirements in order of importance and give your reasons. Refer to learning outcome 1 for key terms This provides evidence for P1 Task 2: Describe 3 different fitness training methods that your Olympian could use to achieve excellence in their event. This provides evidence for P2 Task 3: Explain the fitness requirements your Olympian needs to achieve excellence in their event. Relate this to the fitness requirements of your athlete EG A professional Sprinter needs good reaction time for…… they also need excellent muscular strength in order to…… This provides evidence for M1 This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose. Signature: Date: Internal Verifier: Mrs Heather Blackburn
Assignment Brief Two Assignment Title: Exploring Lifestyle Factors Start Date: Deadline Date: Submission Date: Assessor: The Purpose of this assignment is to: Enable learners to understand that lifestyle factors can affect training and performance. Scenario: The BOC have now decided that you must look into your Olympians lifestyle and identify factors that might be helping or hindering their chance of success in 2012! Task 1: Choose 4 different lifestyle factors and describe how they can affect sports training and performance. The lifestyle factor may help or hinder sporting excellence for your up and coming Olympian. This provides evidence for P3 This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose. Signature: Date: Internal Verifier: Mrs Heather Blackburn
Assignment Brief Three Assignment Title: How Fit Are You? Start Date: Deadline Date: Submission Date: Assessor: The Purpose of this assignment is to: Enable learners to investigate their personal fitness levels by participating in a series of fitness tests and interpreting test results. Scenario: As a junior researcher it is important that you know how to assess levels of fitness for a variety of fitness components. The BOC would now like you to test four components of fitness for yourself and the up and coming 2012 Olympian. Task 1: Carryout 4 different fitness tests for different components of fitness, recording the results accurately on to a results table. This provides evidence for P4 Task 2: Interpret your test results and personal level of fitness. Compare them to published tables and to the levels required for excellence and your Olympian. This provides evidence for P5 Task 3: You will need to provide a written explanation of your test results and personal level of fitness, identifying strengths and areas for improvement (M2). You will need then to provide a written evaluation of your test results and personal level of fitness, making recommendations as to how you could improve areas of fitness showing that you have considered the level required to achieve excellence by your chosen Olympian (D1). This provides evidence for M2 & D1 This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose. Signature: Date: Internal Verifier: Mrs Heather Blackburn
Assignment Brief Four Assignment Title: Exploring Psychological Factors Start Date: Deadline Date: Submission Date: Assessor: The Purpose of this assignment is to: Enable learners to understand the psychological factors that can affect sports training and performance. Scenario: The BOC realise that not only do young Olympians need to be physically fit; they also need to be mentally fit. Your next task is to investigate psychological factors that can affect sports training and performance in he build up to 2012. Task 1: Describe the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance. You will need to look into personality, motivation, arousal, anxiety and concentration, also comment on how the psychological factors affect the short and long term goals of a specific athlete This provides evidence for P6 Task 2: Explain further task 1 with greater detail and more sporting examples. You need to use relevant theories to explain your answer. EG the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, inverted u theory. This provides evidence for M3 Task 3: Analyse further the above theories and their relevance using sporting examples. Think carefully about how the psychological factors are related and how they can have both positive and negative effects on training and performance. Conclude which factors affect training and performance the most. This provides evidence for D2 This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose. Signature: Date: Internal Verifier: Mrs Heather Blackburn
Areas For Improvements Assessment & Grading Criteria Achieved Qualification: BTEC Level 2 Diploma In Sport Year: 2010-2012 Unit: Unit 1: Fitness Testing and Training Learner Name: Date that grading criteria was achieved PASS MERIT DISTINCTION P1 M1 P2 P3 P4 P5 M2 D1 P6 M3 D2 Strengths Areas For Improvements Learner Comment Assessor Signature: Date Unit Completed: Learners Signature: