Understanding the Common Core State Standards in Practice Class 2 Part 1 February 28, 2011
Journal Review by Your Peers Read and react to each other’s journal entries about the Standards for Mathematical Practice Use Post-it-Notes to record your comments in each journal Pass the journals to the right until you get your own journal back Discuss as a group – What stands out after reading all the journals? 15 minutes for this section. About 3 minutes per post-it reflection
Learning Intentions We Are Learning To … analyze students’ thinking on a Continuum of Student Thinking and Understanding, and advance students’ thinking by asking good questions and making adaptations and modifications to move students to the next stage or stages Part One Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
Success Criteria We will know we are successful when we can understand the components of the Continuum of Student Thinking and Understanding and fill in the form after analyzing student work
Common Core State Standards Alignment Present your task to the teachers at your table What did you see and hear when your students worked on this task? Summarize the work that you brought for this task 20 minutes for this section – 4 – 5 minutes per person depending on how many teachers are at a table
A Wisconsin Graphic of CCSS There are eight Standards for Mathematical Practice . Refer to pages in their handout. We will begin by focusing on Math Practice #1
Exploring Addition of Fractions ½ ¾ 1 1 ¼ 1 ½ Choose a target number from this set that is less than 1 or more than 1 Make a model of that number using your fraction strips to serve as a reference. Using your fraction strips find combinations to represent your target number. Start with combinations of 2 fractions, then 3, then 4, etc. Record your combinations. Also record any conjectures your group makes as you work on the task. If you feel that you have explored all combinations for your first target number, pick a second one. Pass out the Whole Continuum Form …Say “We will revisit this task from the first class and use student work to understand Part 2 and Part 3 of the Continuum.” 30 minutes for this whole part (slides 7-10) Task will vary in the different grade band rooms
Understanding understanding Some of the standards start with the word Understand What does that verb mean in these math standards? What does understanding mean in CCSS. Look at 3-5 fraction standards to see where this word is used. Understanding is a complex mental activity. Refer to Understanding handout for major components.
Student Work Samples Sort / organize the 5 samples to fit the continuum design – discuss with your colleagues the criteria used in placement of the samples. (Individual and small groups) Teachers look over student work to get an idea about the range of understanding exhibited about the task
Asking Questions The type of question you ask will depend on student understanding and engagement. Refer to the handout to find sample questions for the various levels on the Continuum.
Completing the Form Be sure teachers understand the components of Part 2 and Part 3 As a group, they fill in the rest of the formm